Holy shit: we're parents

Start from the beginning

"what's baby's middle name? You never did tell us what you settled on" He asked and Robin agreed. You smiled "it's robin. After you, I hope you don't mind" you said softly, Robin instantly throwing her arms around you. "Of course I don't mind! Oh (y/n) I love you"

Dustin was next and Eddie had to teach her how to hold and care for a baby which you found very sweet. Dustin was incredibly gentle with her as he kept telling you he didn't want to hurt her. The rest of your friends slowly followed to meet the baby Eleanore, everyone adoring her.


You and Eddie spent every moment you could with baby Ellie, loving the fact that you had a little family. Eddie was pushing hard for her first words to be dada, and would lightly play his guitar for her when she needed to be soothed or entertained. It always worked surprisingly, leading Eddie to dub her "little rockstar". Eddie was also extremely attentive to you and your needs while you recovered from giving birth. You had been able to take time off from work to be with Eleanore, so every morning before leaving Eddie made sure you had what you needed and felt comfortable being alone. The only thing Eddie wasn't fond of was changing diapers, but who is?

Sure enough, her first words were in fact dada. Eddie was pumped, fist pumping and whisper yelling "yesss!" To you after the fact. Ellie was so attached to Eddie, she adored him and would always be so excited when he was home. She always wanted to play with him, and he would always be willing to play with whatever she wanted.

Her first steps however, were to you.
"Babe come here!" You heard Eddie yell from the living room. "Yes coming!" You said and ran from the bedroom "what's happening is everyone okay?"
Without answering Eddie simply set Eleanore up on her tiny feet and said "okay Ellie go see momma!"
Sure enough, she took her own 3 tiny steps towards you before falling down, causing you and Eddie to laugh and tell her she did a great job.

~time jump!~

Two years ago, you, Eddie, and Ellie had moved into a bigger house when you found out you were pregnant with your second child. The pregnancy was easier this time around since you knew what to expect. You gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy: Axel Wayne Munson

"Momma momma!! Look what daddy taught me!" Ellie yelled for you.

"Just a moment baby" you yelled back, quickly finishing changing axels diaper and scooped him into your arms. You carried him downstairs all the way to the basement, where Eddie had set up his guitars. You walked in to Ellie sitting in Eddie's lap, his guitar in her lap making her look tiny. He had his arms holding it as well so it would fall, and Ellie was giggling nonstop.

"Okay just like we practiced little rockstar" Eddie smiled to her and she nodded. Eddie strummed for her as her little arms were too small, and she pushed down the cords to create a fairly-poor-but-super-adorable rendition of the opening to Master of Puppets.

"Wow!! You did great baby!" You exclaimed with a huge smile, you were proud of her for trying. She giggled and Eddie set the guitar down and wrapped his arms around her, telling her how proud he was.

"I wanna grow up and play like you!!" She exclaimed to him

"Keep going at this rate and you will!" He smiled and kissed the top of her head. For her birthday that year Eddie gifted her a smaller guitar so she could actually play. She had also requested a Jean vest "just like daddies" so you spend hours hunting down the right patches and ironing them on.

As Axel got older, you and Eddie discovered he loved being read to. Eddie would sit with him every night and read from different books, he had begun the Hobbit and Axel absolutely loved it. It was very clear that these two would grow up to be very similar to you and Eddie.

As the kids grew your friends would consistently come to see them. Steve taught Axel how to play catch with a baseball which he really enjoyed, Robin helped Eleanore with music, and Dustin and Will taught both of them how to play DnD once you had given the all clear that they were old enough. You and Eddie fell more in love with each other and your little family with every passing moment.

~time skip again~

Eleanore ended up looking like a mix of both of you, where as Axel was pretty much a carbon copy of Eddie. The two of them had begun high school, Eddie always scaring Ellie's boyfriends with you there to tone him back. Axel took charge of the Hawkins High DnD club just as his dad had, he even used Eddie's old dice for meetings. Ellie became a guitarist in a band with a few of her friends, and you were always driving the two of them wherever they needed to go.

One night Axel was off at a friends running a campaign and Ellie was with her band, so it was just you and Eddie in the house. These moments had been scares in the past few years since the both of you were such involved parents. You threw on your favorite horror movie and cuddled up in bed, chatting about your family.

"We made some really great kids" he smiled to you

"We sure did" you said, giving him a kiss

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