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I mustve tugged too hard, her body flies down the stairs, her head smacks into the concrete wall, i hear her neck pop.

More blood.

I stand there for a minute stunned.

God damn it Amy.

She was doing so well compared to the previous girls. She was sweet. And never tried to run away.

She didn't seem to mind the basement i built for them. It wasn't a five star hotel. But it wasn't a dungeon. It has a bathroom, a tv, a bed, a couch. I always bought them new clothes, brought them things i knew they liked.

Now I'd have to start all over with someone new.

I was too tired to handle this right now. And my dick was on fire.

I hurried to the shower. I let the warm water rinse the blood off of me so i could inspect the damage.

It looks like she just scraped the skin when I pushed her off.


I got dried off and dressed and headed back to the basement. I stared at her body for a minute.

"Why'd you have to go and do that? I dont have time for this shit Amy"

I sighed and lifted her body. It was easy. She was tiny.

I walked to the other side of the basement and dug my keys from my pockets. I opened the door to my clean room.

That's what i call it anyways. What else do you call a room to dispose of evidence?

Kill room? Usually they're already dead by the time they make it here.

I lay her down on the cold metal table and think about putting this off until tomorrow.

Tomorrows Friday. That's usually the day Kami and I hang out. And i cant miss that.

I groan and get to work. I use my sharp knives and saws to carve her beautiful body into small pieces. Just small enough to fit in my small wood stove.

As I slowly shovel in the pieces, i think about the first time we met. Man, she was so cute.

I was at the grocery store. I thought, this would be the best place to meet a girl. Probably one that cooks too. Right?

I roam the isles a bit and she just bumps into me. Just like that. Her cart hits mine. Fate brought us together.

She smiled that pretty smile and blushed apologizing and excusing herself.

I watched her drop just about everything once as she shopped. She kept retracing her steps because she had forgot something and had to go back.

It was kind of funny to watch.

She walked out to the parking lot, and she was handed to me right on a platter.

The bottom of her bag gave out, ice cream splashed everywhere.

She just stood there for a minute.

I approached her with a smile

"Hey! Let me help!"

She turned and blushed again.

"Oh No it's okay. Gosh. I'm such a mess today"

I picked up everything I could and shoved it into the bag she set on the ground.

She smiled and opened her trunk

I leaned in and set her groceries inside. Taking a quit survey of the parking lot.

I straightened back up, she lifted her arms to shut the trunk, i took my chance.


I covered her mouth with the prepared handkerchief in my pocket and she dropped right into the trunk.

I quickly grabbed her purse and shut the trunk.

I was so excited to get her home. To learn about her. What was she like, what kind of things did she like?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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