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What are the three dimensions of love?

First, Passion.

Passion is one of those words that people use often without really understanding the original meaning of the word. When most people refer to "passion", they use it to mean strong emotions reflecting an intense desire or boundless enthusiasm
"A Willingness to Suffer for What You Love" I read out loud, flipping to the next page. I was sitting in one of the random tables in my school. I had my headphones on deeply in thoughts as I read my book.

I felt a hand grab my book and close it shut, I sighed and took off my headphones. I wasn't surprised at all, of course she'd bully me after I confessed my feelings for her.

Cheryl was the most famous person in school, we had this project together and I thought maybe we could end up liking each other or in this case getting her to like me back, I've read too many books about highschool love that it went straight to my head. Of course she gave me a disgusted look and the next day everyone knew I was a lesbian, not that I was hiding it.

"Good morning to you too" I mumbled with a fake smile, her and the three minions glued to her buttocks were smirking at me.

"This is our table, so shoo" she said throwing my book on the floor, I took a deep breath and stood up to go get it when one of them put her foot out tripping me. I fell on my stomach with a yelp and I heard them laugh, I slowly got up and dusted my clothes grabbing my book then made way out of school. I was excelling in all my classes no need to attend.

This is why, you never trust what you read. All of the words are just for idiots like me to read and believe in then get humiliated and made fun of by your crush. Passion? Not for me...

I unlocked my house door and walked towards my room, my mother wasn't home most of the time so I got used to the silence. I put my stuff down, and jumped on the bed. I should probably shower before doing anything because if I don't do it now I'll be too lazy to move.

After a long shower I was laying on my bed with the same book from earlier, I looked for the page where I left it and started reading.

'Look at your life and highlight the things you love that you're willing to suffer for. This self-reflection will give you insight into what you're passionate about. If you're not sure, just pick something you enjoy and see if you're willing to give up other activities to spend more time on it. Remember that in life you can choose and change your actions.
- just also keep in mind that you're responsible for the consequences.'

My bed started to shake heavily and every book on my shelf fell because of the earthquake. My body was jerking back in forth as I tried to stand up, I hid under my bed and waited. A loud crashing sound came out of nowhere startling me.

The shaking has stop, I came out from under the bed and went to my window. My eyes widened at the long trench line that ended right in my backyard, my mom is going to fuckin kill she'd never believe a fuckin astroid just decided to ruin her yard.

I ran out the backdoor making my way to the ditch, I stood at the edge and took a peek to see what just fell there and to my surprise there was a human being laying there...naked.

"What the actual fuck?" I mumbled, I went down and kneeled next to the woman. How I knew it was a woman? Well her boobs were very round and perky....I quickly stopped my thoughts and put my hand on her neck to check for a pulse. I sighed in relief when I felt her heartbeats, thank god.

I pushed her on her back and my eyes almost fell out of my sockets, why did I decide to look between her legs? There was a...a penis.

"I- how am I supposed to... pull you out lady or man.. whatever" I said out loud, I should probably stop talking to myself because people already find me weird. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her up dragging her out of the hole, when I finally reached the porch I dropped her and laid on my back. She was so heavy, I was surprised at myself.

"You fuckin weight like a horse?!" I squeaked out breathless, after resting for a few seconds I stood up again and pulled her inside the house. It took me a couple of tries to put her on the couch, but I made it at the end.

I looked at the time and noticed it was past midnight. I went to my room and grabbed extra sheets to cover her with. I sat on the chair in front of the couch, watching the woman sleeping on my couch. All types of thoughts were running through my head, how the hell did she make a hole in my yard and not die. Why was she naked?

The sound of something breaking made me jump out of my sleep, the couch was empty and the woman was gone. Another glass breaking made me go to the kitchen.

The woman was standing, still naked, while holding an empty glass in her hand. She stared at it confused and then dropped it.

"Eh?" I said confused, her head turned to look at me she tilted her head confused and walked from behind the counter with coc-

"What are you doing?" I asked trying not to look at it. She got closer to me and I felt her hand touch my hair then my face, she touched my nose then her finger traced my lips.

"Beautiful" she mumbled, I looked down and her dick was twitching. I grimaced disgusted and stepped away from her.

I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed a shirt and some shorts, I went back to the kitchen and she was still standing in the same place.

"Please put these on!" I handed her the clothes. She looked at the clothes but didn't know how to put them on, I sighed and put the shirt over her head then bent down to help her put the shorts on feeling her...thing right next to my face.

"Can you tell me who you are and what you were doing in my backyard?" I asked confused with my arms folded in front of me.

"I am princess Vega, I ran away from my home and from my brother who wants to kill me. I ended up here. What is this place?" She asked curiously, looking around.


"Oh you mean planet of the apes? It's the most uncivilized place in our galaxy. How did I end up here?" She turned her hand around and a light was shining from her palm, it was like a tablet that showed planets. Like gps, but for space.

"I must've hit something on my way to Uranus" I laughed at that and she just stared at me confused, they probably don't have jokes where she came from.

God what am I supposed to do with her now? How am I going to explain this to my mother? I'm in so much trouble...

I promise it'll get better with more chapters, I'm gonna try my best to make it good. Have a good night!



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