Part Two Chapter One: Memories to Forget.

Start from the beginning

       "I'll join you." Bex offered, before the two of them walked off down the street.

       I decided to just go for a walk.


       I found myself at the church my family used to run. I don't know why I wandered here, but nowadays, I tend to return to places that spark certain memories for me; the good and the bad. Whether this church has good or bad memories; I could not tell.

       The church recently had renovations done to it on the inside with it being reconstructed to withstand a natural disaster along with a new layer of white paint giving light to the otherwise dark hall. The stain glass window illuminated the room with its colours splattered all over the carpeted floor like paint.

       I quickly took a seat in a pew closest to the back and listened in on the Sunday service. The church was packed with people, which is thanks to the burst of popularity from the recent renovations. The city didn't have a proper church ever since....

       My thoughts drifted off.


November 25th, 2070- 8:20 PM.
Ainz Daniels.

       I peeked through the almost closed door. Although it was only a sliver, it was more than enough to see what my parents were doing inside one of the churches backrooms. There were many people I recognize from the usual morning services, but a lot of the faces are new to me. All of them knelt in front of my parents, who each held a newer looking book that wasn't the Bible. They spoke about The Infected, but their words were undiscernible from all the humming the kneeling guests did.

       A hand gripped my shoulder and I jumped. I swerved around to see it was only my older brother, who wore a wicked smile on his face.

       "Are you snooping again, Ainz?" My brother, Abel, asked, releasing his grip on my shoulder, and motioning for me to follow him.

       I obliged. "N-no...!" I paused a moment before becoming all embarrassed. I meekly said: "Yes..."

       "You shouldn't be doing that. You know how important our parent's... work is." Abel told me, although his pause midsentence was suspicious. We entered the church where I saw my other older brother (the two older brothers are twins although they don't look alike,) Cain, lounging in one of the closest pews.

       "I caught Ainz spying on our parents again." Abel announced, plopping himself onto the pew next to Cain. I huffed furiously at him tattling and flopped onto the stool next to the organ.

       I tapped on the keys but not enough to create any sounds. I grumbled. "Do any of you know what they even do back there? I hear them talking about The Infected, but I have no clue why."

       "We don't know ourselves, but what our parents do for 'extracurriculars' isn't our business." Cain said. He paused a moment before continuing. "I won't agree with them if that is what you claim they are doing." He then slumped farther back in the pew until his chin nearly touched his chest.

       I took in my brothers. They both look like my father: each of his children have the dark hair, pale skin, and faded blue eyes. Except, Cain has a scar just under his lips from where I scratched him during our self-defense practices our father makes us do. Says it's for our own good.

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