"Did you find out who they are?" Isu jumped down as Zuko shrugged.

"Kind of." He repeated back to Isu what Koh had told him, her eyes widening.

"The koi fish! Come on, I know where we have to go!" Whistling, Isu grinned as the giant pink lion appeared before them. "Let's go, Phephe!"

Zuko screamed as Phephe jumped up, running through the air.


"Well, that's not good." Isu looked around, dismounting from Phephe's side. "Where are our bodies?"

Zuko gulped looking around. "Look!" He forced Isu to look at the cave, seeing the animals.

"They must have been forced to leave on Pickle and Corno. If we can find the bison, we can find them. Can you help me, Phephe?"

Phephe shook their head sadly, stepping back.

"Okay. Time for you to go home. Thank you for all your help." Phephe faded as Isu looked up. "Guess we're doing this the hard way." Falling to the ground, Isu closed her eyes. Zuko tilted his head, about to ask when Isu jumped up. "I've found them."


"I can sense Hachi. Well, I can sense anyone with enough practice but I used to do it with Hachi all the time so I knew when to sneak out." Isu paused, fidgeting.

"What's wrong? Is he okay?!"

"He's fine, as far as I can tell but... He's not alone. Hajime is there." Zuko gulped as Isu grabbed him. "Let's go before it's too late."

Flying over the cave, Isu led Zuko back, finding their bodies. Zuko gaped. "Impressive."

"I know." Isu closed her eyes, fading from the spirit world and returning to her body. Zuko paused before doing the same.

"Welcome back." Hajime glared at Isu as she opened her eyes.

Hachi shot up, staring at Isu before looking at Zuko. "Zuko?"

Zuko blinked, smiling sheepishly. "I'm back." Zuko sighed, shuffling and leaning against Hachi's shoulder. "Though I'm never doing that again."

Isu snorted, leaning back against the wall. "Come on, it wasn't so bad."

"You didn't have to face, Koh the face stealer. You just got to spend time outside having fun." Zuko gave Isu a half-hearted glare, receiving a mischievous smile back.

"Well, I couldn't risk losing this pretty face, now could we?"

Zuko rolled his eyes fondly as Hachi looked between them. "You left Zuko alone?" Isu opened her mouth as Hachi glared at her, cutting her off. "I can't believe you. I thought you were meant to be protecting him and you left him! What if something had happened?!"

Isu lowered her head, turning away. "You should have more faith in Zuko. He can handle himself and he knew what he was doing."

"I can't deal with you right now." Hachi turned away, glaring at the wall as Zuko sighed. He gently leaned forward, lying his head on Hachi's shoulder.

Fidgeting, Hajime glanced between the two groups, gently shuffling towards Isu. "I don't think you're a bad spiritual leader."

Isu raised her eyebrow, rolling her eyes. "Right. That means so much coming from you."

"I'm serious. Do you remember that spirit that used to hang around you? The little dragon bird?"

"Tori? Yeah, I remember her. I didn't know you could see spirits."

Hajime jolted, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, only a few. I have this one that follows me around sometimes."

"Huh. Who would have guessed? I would love to meet them. Are they how you beat Hachi and Katara?"

Hajime shook his head. "No. When I've been down here, I've realised I'm a terrible Airbender so I've been practising more. Spot's been training me."

"Your bison?"

"He's a good trainer!"

Laughing, Isu tried to hide her face in her shoulder.

"Don't laugh at me."

"Sorry, sorry, I'm not laughing." Isu was laughing. "You know, for someone chasing us and working for the fire nation, you're not that bad."

Hajime's shoulders fell as he sighed. "I'm not giving you over to the fire nation."

"You're not?"

"No. I'm taking you home. Your father awaits your return."

Isu's eyes widened as she gaped. "Dad sent you after us?" Isu grew uncomfortable, pushing herself forward. "You can't take us to him! We have so much we need to do! You've seen what it's like down here!"

"I don't care. I have a mission, I have to finish." Hajime lowered his voice as Isu bit her lip.

"I don't think you're a bad person. I don't think you want people to suffer. I don't think you want the spirits to suffer."


"The spirits are in danger. Please Haji, just let us go. We can help you and them."

Hajime didn't answer.

"Give up, Isu." Hachi glared from his place across the cave. "He's not going to listen to you."

Isu shook her head, giving Hajime a begging expression as he hesitantly reached out. His fingers twitched as they grazed over the knot, about to free her when he was blasted from Isu's side.

Isu spun around in shock, staring at Katara. "Katara!"Katara grinned, sliding off Corno's back and tackling Isu into a hug, untying her as Yue and Sokka did the same for the boys. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine but I had the situation handled. He was about to let me go."

"You're delusional," Hachi spat, still glaring at Isu.

"It doesn't matter," Zuko interrupted, "we need to get to the oasis; the spirits are in trouble!" Sharing a look, the others rushed onto Corno and Pickle's backs as Isu hesitated.

"We can't just leave him here!" Without waiting for a response, Isu grabbed Hajime, throwing him onto Corno's back.

"Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us." Sokka gave Hajime a sour look as Isu rolled her eyes, throwing the rope at him.

"Then tie him up. He's coming. He's our cousin and we are not leaving him to die. This is not negotiable." Isu sat on Corno's head, pulling her into the sky. "Besides, we don't have time to wait."

Hachi sighed before following Isu, taking off into the sky in search of the spirits. 

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