Part 3~The Test

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Isu was more than pissed. She currently had both her arms tied behind her back and a gag stopping her from using her bending. Hachi was just as annoyed. He didn't even fight but he was under heavy restrictions.

"Prince Zuko would like to see you first." The guard grabbed Hachi, pulling him to his feet. Isu fought against her restraints, calling out for Hachi as he was dragged away.

Hachi shifted wildly, trying to find any way out of this. They needed to wait for the boat to dock, then they could escape into the land. That would give them the best chance but that meant he would have to be patient. Knowing that didn't make it any less scary to be brought to the Prince's room.

Stumbling, Hachi tried to catch himself as the guard harshly threw him into the room. He closed his eyes, bracing himself for the fall when something stopped him. Hesitantly, Hachi peeked to see who got in the way of Gravity's plans. He could not form words- not that he could say them anyway. The prince had caught him?! His entire face flushed red as he ducked his head.

Zuko scowled, he hadn't meant to catch the prisoner but when something is falling towards you, you just catch it without thinking. Opening his arms, Zuko dropped Hachi before pulling out a seat.

Poor Hachi was highly confused as he peered over the desk.

"Nephew! What have you done to this poor boy." Iroh stormed in, coming to Hachi's side and slowly removing the gag. "Here, let me get that for you. See, much better. Now your handsome face isn't being obstructed by the fabric. Isn't it better nephew?"

Zuko growled, slamming his hand down on the desk. "No, it is not! He's a prisoner! You shouldn't be setting him free! He could try escaping again!"

"No he won't, will you?" Iroh glanced at Hachi who shook his head. "See? I apologise for my nephew, he's a little paranoid." Iroh took a chair beside Zuko, a kind smile on his face.

"No, it's fine. I should be the one apologising. I should have stopped Isu from attacking you guys." Hachi shifted uncomfortably with his arms still tied behind his back but he doubted he would be let go.

"It's completely fine, I understand. Waking up on a strange ship, locked in a cell. I would be shocked if you didn't react at all." Iroh reached behind him, bringing out a small tray. "If you don't mind, we are just going to conduct some tests."

Zuko leaned in, his eyes trained on every reaction Hachi had. Iroh started by placing a rock in front of him. Much to Hachi's shock, the rock tipped and stood straight up.

"I did not do that," Hachi said quickly, his eyes wide. He did not do that! If he was the avatar, he would know. Right? He would know? What if he didn't? No, that was impossible. Their crazy grandfather tested both him and Isu when they got their air bending. Why was the rock standing up?!

Iroh hummed, taking away the rock and spilling a small cup of water. Impossibly, the water circled in the middle, creating a neat puddle.

"I swear I'm not doing this!" Hachi grew more panicked as he looked up. He practically begged Iroh and Zuko to understand. He wasn't doing this!

Lastly, Iroh removed the water and put a wax candle in front of Hachi. As before, the flame grew. Hachi was having an identity crisis. He was not the avatar! He couldn't be! He didn't even abide by the Airbender oath! He couldn't keep Isu on the island! There was no way he could bring about world peace! None of this made any sense.

"I know it, you are the avatar!" Zuko jumped up, slamming his arms on the table. Hachi screamed in surprise, jumping back as the candle burst in fire and reached the ceiling. Hachi groaned as the chair slammed into the ground. "Guards! Arrest him! We will bring him back to the Fire Nation and reclaim my honour!"

The guard grabbed Hachi, dragging him down the corridor. "Wait! I swear that wasn't me! I swear! I'm not the avatar!" The guard slammed the door shut, leaving Zuko and Iroh alone in the interrogation room.

"We did it, uncle! We found the avatar! We can go home!" Zuko genuinely looked happy for the first time in a long time. He smiled wildly as he looked at the map of the world. "Home... Father will respect me again. We can go home."

"Zuko..." Iroh bit his tongue as he thought how best to approach this. "I'm not sure if he is the avatar."

Zuko spun on his feet. "What do you mean?! Of course, he is! He passed the test! Don't tell me you are just taking his words at face value, he's obviously lying!"

"But if he was going to bother lying, why tell that one? You said it yourself, the test was positive. If he was the avatar, why continue lying? What is he waiting for?"

"I don't know! Maybe he's not trained!"

"Or maybe he's not the avatar."

"Uncle! We have found the avatar. Leave it at that. Let's go home." Zuko held his uncle's shoulder, giving him the kindest smile he could possibly give.

"Right... Let's go home."


Isu hopped up the second Hachi was thrown into the cell. He had a haunted look on his face and was moving slower than usual. Isu approached her brother, lifting him up with her shoulder. She tried to ask what was wrong but Hachi didn't understand her through the gag. She rolled her eyes, taking longer to speak. "What happened?"

"Isu... they performed the test for the avatar. It worked."

Isu burst out laughing, collapsing on the floor.

"What's so funny?!"

Isu started to list off reasons but Hachi still couldn't understand. "There is no way you are the avatar. Grandad would have noticed that. And come on, it's you. You're an idiot."

Hachi sighed, leaning back. "What do we do? We need to get out of here."

"Oh really? I never thought about that."

Hachi did not need to understand Isu to detect those sarcastic tones. Jumping up, Hachi pulled down Isu's gag. "What's the plan?"

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