Part 46~Blue Spirit

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Scowling, Zhao walked into the room, glaring down at Zuko who fought against his chains. "Look who it is, the traitor Prince. You really abandoned us for the avatar, disgusting." Zhao paused, spun around, forming a flame in his hand as he stopped it a few centimetres from Zuko's face. "Tell me where the avatar is before I scar the other eye."

"Never. Untie me and I'll fight you fair and square, oh wait, how did that turn out last time." Zuko smirked despite his rising panic, freezing as a laugh echoed out through the hall.

"He's not afraid of you Zhao, I suggest we change tactics." Walking out of the darkness, Hajime smirked, a dark expression on his face.

"Hajime? You're working with Zhao?! Since when?!"

"Since the solstice, this one has been very useful." Zhao placed a hand on the Airbender's shoulder who beamed in pride. "He's informed us that those siblings we met couldn't be the avatar which means that water tribe girl is. We know she is a water bender! We know that Airbender girl came to train her and you're helping!" Zhao stood taller, shouting his findings as Zuko became increasingly worried and horrified.

"Katara? You think Katara is the avatar?"

"We know she is and now we have a name. Avatar Katara."

Part of Zuko wanted to correct Zhao but part of him knew it wasn't a good idea. Couldn't be a bad thing if the Fire Nation thought it was Katara, at least, for now. "Hurry up, Hachi."

Hajime laughed, watching Zhao walking closer to Zuko. "Hachi isn't going to save you. Now, tell us where the avatar is."


Stepping around the hallway, Hachi gasped, picking up a sheet of paper. "They got my nose wrong." In his hand was the wanted poster that depicted him and the way too big reward at the bottom. On the wall was one from everyone in the gang. Stripping the wall, he rolled up the posters and stuck them under his shirt.

Stepping around the corner, Hachi yelped, snapping back to the wall as the guard walked past. Sighing in relief, Hachi looked around, grabbing the mask from the rack, deciding to not question why the strange mask was just left around.

Keeping to the shadows, Hachi stepped closer to the tower where Zuko was being kept. The screams had died down, it was not helping his anxiety. Hopping onto the balcony, Hachi stepped closer to the doors when they swung open.

Ducking above the doors, Hachi held his breath, seeing Zhao walk out with Hajime behind him. Zhao stopped, putting his hands on the bannister. "We are the sons and daughters of fire, the superior element!"

"Children." Hajime yelped as Zhao looked at him strangely.


"Well, not everyone is a son or daughter and just saying children are faster anyway. Sorry, continue."

"As I was saying, we are the sons and daughters of fire, the superior element! Until today, only one thing stood in our path to victory, the avatar. That will be no more."

Gulping, Hachi closed his eyes in fear as Hajime made the mistake of talking once more. "Well, we technically still don't have her."

Snapping around, Zhao glared at Hajime. "She will come to rescue the only fire bender willing to train her in the whole world. And when she does, it'll all be because of you." Zhao placed a hand on Hajime's shoulder, not noticing the saddened expression on his face.

Hachi rolled his eyes, sneaking through the corridors.


Groaning, Zuko struggled to lift his head, feeling the frogs thawing out and escaping his clothes. "What? No! Don't leave, frog! My friends are sick and they need you- and I'm talking to frogs."

"Yes, you are." Smirking, Hachi leaned against the doorframe, frowning the second Zuko looked at him. "You look horrible." Hachi rushed over, breaking the chains.

Zuko slumped down, falling into Hachi's arms. "Come on." Pulling Zuko out of the chambers, they walked silently across the corridor and into the underground sewer system. "Do you think you'll be able to climb?"

Blinking, Zuko stared up at the wall, leaning against Hachi as he shook his head.

"Right..." Hachi grabbed some leftover rope, tying Zuko's hands around his neck as he began the climb.

"There, on the wall!"

Gasping, Hachi looked back up, seeing the soldier pointing at them. Cutting at the rope, a different soldier started to cut away Zuko and Hachi's escape.

Screaming, Hachi reacted, giving them a softer landing but it wasn't enough. They were trapped.

"The prisoner has escaped! Close all the gates immediately!" Zhao ran out, screaming as Hachi pulled Zuko towards the slowly closing door.

Soldiers ran forward, blocking their escape. Hachi swung around, blasting the soldiers to the side. Grabbing a spear from the side, Hachi threw it to block the shutting gates, throwing Zuko out and sliding through just before it could slam close.

"Come on." Grabbing Zuko, Hachi rushed away. Fire rained down from the sky, making Hachi scream. Zuko lifted his hands, forcing the fire to the side despite his exhaustion. Arrows were fired, soaring through the sky. Yelping, Hachi tried to hit away the arrows, screaming as one-hit his foot. Collapsing, Hachi closed his eyes, awaiting the arrows to find their mark.


Blinking in confusion, Hachi looked around for the source of the wind but he couldn't find it. Picking up Zuko, he hobbled off into the forest.

Falling to the ground, Hachi gasped, trying to stay awake. "I'm sorry... I failed you..."


Humming under his breath, Iroh placed the frogs in the kid's mouths. "Suck on these. They'll make you feel better." Iroh collapsed down, changing Zuko's bandages as Isu, Katara and Sokka coughed in horror. "Try to be quiet, they're resting."

Stumbling out of her bag, Isu walked towards Hachi, a worried expression on her face. "What's wrong with Hachi?"

Iroh smiled, placing a hand on Isu's head. "He just got into a bit of trouble. You should all rest, we'll have a few days before we move on."

Frowning, Isu curled up on the floor next to her brother, promising to protect him should the enemies come back. Narrowing his eyes, Iroh placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder.

"Uncle?" Zuko opened his eyes, groaning at the bright lights of the room.

"Rest, nephew. It's okay. Zhao can't find you here."

Zuko hummed, closing his eyes as he tried to get comfortable. Iroh ran his hands through Zuko's hair, trying to calm him.

"None of them can get you."

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