Part 47~Calm Man

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Hachi yawned, looking across the camp when a large fish burst from the river, leaping through the air and landing back into the water.

Katara jumped up, excitedly pointing at the fish. "Look!"

Sokka rose, watching the fish leaping through the air again, facing the group mid-jump. "He is taunting us! You are so going to be dinner!" Sokka grabbed his fishing pole, casting the pole into the water unsuccessfully. "Hey, where's the fishing line?"

Isu blushed slightly, holding up an intricately woven necklace, a red flower hanging off it. "Oh, I didn't think you would need it."

Sokka looked over the necklace, pouting. "It's all tangled!"

Isu huffed, jumping up. "Not tangled!" Isu pulled the necklace closer. "It's woven! I made it for you, Katara. I thought since you lost your other one..." Isu held out the necklace, looking embarrassed and shifting her feet.

Katara smiled, taking the necklace tentatively. "Oh, it's amazing. Thank you, Isu. I love it."

Sokka scowled, drawing out his words sarcastically. "Great, Isu. Maybe instead of saving the world, you can go into the jewellery-making business."

Iroh chuckled, stepping out. "I don't see why she can't do both. I'll provide support, I made an amazing hat."

Katara didn't focus on their conversation, tying the necklace up as Sokka turned back to the water and spotted that annoying fish.

He threw his fishing rod, trying to spear the fish but he missed and the fish jumped back up. "Stop taunting me!" He ran into the water, holding his dagger up.

Katara turned to Isu, posing slightly. "So, how do I look?"

Isu shifted her gaze, staring at Katara. Her mouth dropped open, leaving her gaping at Katara in wonder. "You mean, all of you or just your neck? I mean, because they both look great!" Isu blushed as she rushed the words out.

Sokka broke out of the water, holding the fish in his hand. "Smoochie, smoochie, someone's in love." Sokka made kissing noises when the fish broke free from his grasp, slapping Sokka as it disappeared back in the water.

Isu blushed more, stumbling away as she tried to deny it.

"Stop teasing him, Sokka. Isu's just a good friend." Katara patted Isu's head. "A sweet, little gal! Just like Tyro." Katara picked up the rabbit, the little guy struggling as Isu muttered a thanks under her breath.

"Wait... What's Tyro doing out?" Isu turned back to the rabbit, spotting the children hopping about. Hachi gaped, rushing over and picking up Snowflake and Midnight as Iroh grabbed Fuzzy, all of them slowly returning the bunnies to their homes.

Hachi stroked the back of the bunnies, a strange look on his face. "Strange, I wonder where Zuko is. He usually checks on them in the mornings." Hachi stepped away, walking into the only tent still up.

Zuko tossed and turned in his sleep, muttering under his breath distressingly.

Hachi gently sat beside Zuko, shaking him awake. "Zuko. Zuko!"

Zuko screamed, fighting off Hachi's hands as Hachi wrapped his hands around Zuko, holding him closer. Zuko sobbed, clutching to Hachi's shirt, muttering under his breath. "I don't know! I don't know!"

Hachi knew what Zuko was talking about. He stayed quiet, whispering words of comfort as he ran his fingers through Zuko's hair.

Hachi stayed with Zuko until he was calm once more. Hachi gently pulled Zuko up, keeping his hand around Zuko's. "Come on, let's take a walk."

Zuko nodded though Hachi wasn't sure if he actually heard. Hachi was listening however, he listened to everything and he was sure he just heard Sokka screaming.

Stepping into the clearing, Hachi could see the group with a strange man who was waving them off. "Thanks, but everything was already under control. Not to worry, Aunt Wu predicted I'd have a safe journey." He folded his hands together, bowing to the ground as Hachi hopped beside the others.

"Aunt who?"

"No, Aunt Wu. She's the fortune teller from my village. Awful nice knowing your future."

Katara gasped, her eyes sparkling. "Wow, it must be."

Hachi snorted, glancing at Isu. "Yeah but better when the fortune teller actually knows what they're doing."

Isu gaped in offence. "Hey! I was five!"

Katara shook her head, a bright expression on her face. "That explains why you were so calm!"

"But, the fortuneteller was wrong! You didn't have a safe journey; you were almost killed!" Sokka gaped in horror, glaring at the strange man.

Cheerfully, the strange man only shook his head. "But I wasn't! All right, have a good one! Oh, and Aunt Wu said if I met any travellers to give them this." The strange man held out a strange parcel, giving it to Isu.

The strange man left.

Katara excitedly watched the man leave. "Maybe we should go see Aunt Wu and learn our fortunes. It could be fun."

Sokka gaped, screaming that it was nonsense as Isu unwrapped the parcel, staring at the red umbrella and holding it over his head. "What do you know? An umbrella!"

As Isu stared at the umbrella, a loud rumble echoed from the distance. Katara lifted her head up, creating a water shield from the rain. "That proves it!"

Sokka held an egg above him, shielding himself from the rain. "No, it doesn't! You can't really tell the future!"

"I guess you're not really getting wet then."

Sokka growled his grip on the platypus egg, it flying through the air. Sokka tried to catch it but in the end, he just fell over. The egg cracked on his head, dribbling over his face. "Of course, she predicted it was going to rain. The sky's been grey all day!"

"Just admit you might be wrong and you can come under the umbrella."

"Look, I'm going to predict the future now." Sokka stepped up, hopping around fancily. "It's going to keep drizzling. See?"

Sokka spoke too soon, the rain stopping as the sky lightened up.

Hachi chuckled, shaking the ran off him. "Not everyone has the gift, Sokka."

Sokka groaned as he lost the battle. They were going to see Aunt Wu.

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