Part 17~Hajime

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Suki crossed over her arms, watching Sokka and Isu work their ways through the drill. "You're not going to master it in one day. Even I'm not that good."

Sokka smiled slightly as he shifted through the movements. "I think I'm starting to get it." Sokka closed his fan, throwing it at the tree and causing snow to fall off its branches.

Suki looked out the door, observing Sokka's movements. "It's not about strength. Our technique is about using your opponents' force against them. Loosen up."

"Like this?" Isu moved through the stances before throwing her fan. Suki didn't seem to acknowledge Isu making her pout.

Suki shook her head, walking closer to Sokka. "Think of the fan as an extension of your arm. Wait for an opening and then..." Suki charged at Sokka, only for him to dodge her attack. He used her momentum against her, knocking her to the floor.

Isu smiled, clapping Sokka on as Suki got up with an indigent glare. "I fell on purpose to make you feel better."

"Right, and I made your tree fall over for the wildlife," Isu smirked, as a loud crash echoed behind her, the tree had finally given in to gravity.

"Admit it, we got you!" Sokka pointed at Suki with an excited glimmer.

Suki grabbed Sokka's point, twisting it and causing Sokka to whimper in pain. "Okay, it was a lucky shot." She released Sokka, a rare smile on her face. Sokka beamed only for Suki to turn serious. "Let's see if you can do it again."


Zuko leaned back, resting against the tree as Hachi hummed to himself. He gently boiled the water and made an effort to change the levels. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing Zuko slowly drifting off to sleep.

"You're staring again."

Hachi yelped, jumping away from Katara. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Oh come on, we've all seen you. I'm surprised Zuko hasn't said anything. He must like it."

Hachi froze, his brain processing what Katara just said. "What?!" His cheeks flushed as he curled in on himself.

"Just saying! I'm going to find Isu, have fun with your staring!"

"You're making me sound like a creep!"

"And your tea is burning."

Screaming, Hachi pulled the plot off the fire. "Wait... you can't burn tea... can you?" Shaking his head, he poured out the cups and walked to Zuko's side. "Tea?"

Raising his eyebrow, Zuko sat up. "Did you get that from Iroh?"

"No... Actually, where is Iroh?"

"Don't ask me. He'll probably be off rehabilitating a criminal."


Dodging under the attack, Iroh smiled. "Now now, this is a bit excessive isn't it?"

Hajime scowled, sliding under Iroh counter-attack and throwing his into a tree. "Where are the Airbenders?"

Rubbing the back of his head, Iroh smiled. "I think there is one right in front of me."

"Don't play with me old man. You were spotted with them, I know you know where they are!"

"Why does it matter to you? Who are you?"

"I am Hajime Shoda, I was sent here by the chief of my tribe to find the Airbenders and bring them back home before they can do any more damage."

"And what if you don't?"

"I will!"

"But if you don't, will you not be allowed to return?"

Hajime growled, turning away from the older man.

"You know, you remind me of my nephew." Iroh placed a kind hand on Hajime's shoulder. "He too was banished, only allowed to return if he captured an outlaw. Only when he gave up his pointless chase and found a new place to be accepted and loved did he truly become happy again."

Scowling, the Airbender kicked Iroh back against the tree. "Yeah, well the difference between me and your nephew is that I won't fail."


Sokka stepped back as Suki charged forward. They hit back and forth, neither letting up by the smallest amount. Suki ducked Sokka's last attack, thrusting forward her fan only for it to be blocked once again. Relaxing, Suki smirked. "Not bad."

Isu squeaked as she was thrown back by Oyaji who laughed at Isu.

"Oh, be quiet." He rubbed the back of her head, jumping up and getting ready to attack again when the doors were thrown open.

"Airbender! Attacking! Here! For you!" Iroh fell to the ground breathing heavily.

Isu gasped, running to his side. "Iroh! What happened to you?"

Sokka came to Iroh's side, helping him up as Suki and Oyaji arrived with their medikit.

Iroh grabbed Isu's shoulders. "I was attacked by an Airbender!"

"What? That's impossible! Who was it?! I swear if my dad followed us, I will kill him." Isu's eyes grew dark as Iroh shook his head.

"He called himself Hajime Shoda. He said he was sent to get you and Hachi."

Isu gasped. "Not Hajime... wait, are you sure they sent Hajime?" When Iroh nodded, Isu burst out laughing. "Wow, talk about sending your worst." Noticing the other's confusion, Isu shook her head. "Hajime is the worst Airbender of the tribe. That's even worse than Hachi."

Iroh lowered his head, hissing as Suki dapped the cut. "He doesn't seem that weak anymore."

Isu nodded, suddenly becoming sober. "We should gather the others and move on before he finds us. Better safe than sorry."

Sokka stood up, muttering agreement before turning to Suki. "It has been an honour training under you but our mission with the avatar must come first."

Suki smiled, a soft expression on her face. "Do not worry. I understand your reasons. Stay safe and do not forget what I told you."

Sharing a hug, Suki patted Sokka's shoulder. Sokka reluctantly parted as he rushed out the room with Iroh and Isu in tow.

Sliding onto the beach, Sokka locked eyes with Hachi. Zuko jumped up, a worried expression on his face. "Uncle! What happened?"

Isu scowled a little, running to Corno's side. "He met our cousin."

Hachi paled. "Which one, Akazawa? Esumi? Kimo? Please not Haruta!"

"None of those. He met... Hajime."

Hachi blinked. "Hajime? As in stables Hajime?"

"Yes, Hajime! We need to go. Where's Katara?" Isu looked around, a cold sense of dread settling in her stomach.

A loud scream echoed off the trees.


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