Get packing

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*2 months later*

It’s been two months now since Tom left and he’s called me pretty much every night and text me every day. I missed him so much but Kat has kept me busy and cheered me up, although her and Tom weren’t as close as me and him were, she still cried when she came over when I had gotten back from the station and we sat and watched movies and ate ice cream and cried. Kat was gutted when she found out she couldn’t go with us to the station as she had to work but she had said her goodbyes to Tom the day before so at least she got to say goodbye. But recently, he hasn’t been replying to my messages as often and he’s been ‘too busy’ to call. I'm worried he’s forgotten about me or found someone better. My birthday is coming up in 4 days and usually Tom and Kat would stay over and we would wait until midnight and sing happy birthday. We did this for all of our birthdays, we would stay at their and then wait up till midnight and sing our hearts out and joke around. Anyone would think we were mad making such a fuss over a birthday but we loved it so we didn’t care. But this is the first birthday without Tom, Kat is still coming over but it’s going to feel so weird not having Tom here too and I'm not looking forward to it. He told me he’s going to send me a present way better than anything and that I'm going to love it but since he’s not been messaging me as much, I'm doubting it now. But I'm trying not to think about it too much so I’ve been trying to keep myself distracted and keeping myself busy whenever I can. Me and Kat are going to the mall today as we’ve both just been paid so we’re going on a massive shopping spree.

“Look at this dress! Oh my god is amazing!” Kat squealed and tugged on my arm, “ouch Kat, too hard!” “oops, sorry. But look at his dress! I'm so getting it!” she pulled out this little black dress and held it against her. it looked amazing on her! It was strapless and had a diamond pattern along the top and was short at the front at about mid-thigh and was longer and flowing at the back at about mid-calf. “yeah you should totally get it, it suits you so much!” she grabbed the dress and slung It over her arm amongst all the other items she had picked up. By the time we headed for lunch we were already weighed down with loads of bags. “maybe we should drop these off in the car before we do anything else” I  laughed, while Kat was trying to balance all her bags along her arms “yeah, good idea” she giggled. We headed to the car before going to get lunch and the heading home. By the time we got back to mine we had bought so much we were practically broke. Kat had bought 4 new dresses, 3 new tops, 2 new pairs of shoes, a new coat, some perfume, a new bracelet and a couple of new skirts. I had also bought 3 dresses, 4 tops, 3 pairs of shoes, new perfume, a couple of hoodies and some make up. We set down all our bags before making some tea and doing our own little catwalk trying on all of our new things.

***     ***

“Happy Birthday to youu, happy birthday to youu, happy birthday dear Beeeth, happy birthday to youu!” Kat sung into my ear at exactly midnight. It was my birthday and I hadn’t heard from Tom for 3 days which upset me a lot but he probably has a lot of work to do and is really busy so I don’t want to get in the way of that. “aww, thank you Kitty!” I gave Kat a massive hug and she gave me my present from her. we always did this on our birthdays. She handed me a fairly large bag with a massive bow on it. ‘’yay! Thank you Kitty Kat!” I giggled as I took the bag from her and took out the first present from the bag. Her absolute favourite colour was pink so no surprise that all my presents were wrapped in pink and silver sparkly wrapping paper. I tore open the paper to reveal a beautiful silver charm bracelet with three charms attatched, three hearts each with a letter on them. One had a small ‘T’ engraved on it, the next one had a little ‘B’ engraved on it and the final one had a little ‘K’ engraved on it, all of our initials. “aww Kat this is beautiful thank you so much!” I gave her a massive hug, “here, give me your wrist” she held out her hand and took the bracelet from me and put it on my wrist. “there” she smiled as I pulled my hand back to admire the braclelet. “now me and Tom can buy you more for your birthday and Christmas to symbolise each of our memories together” she smiled up at me from her place on the bottom of my bed. “this is so thoughtful, thank you Kat” I gave her one last hug before getting the next present out of the bag. This time when I opened it there was the biggest bag of magic stars you could ever find “yay! My favourites!” I squealed and ripped open the bag and plopped on in my mouth. Kat took one too and we started eating them while I opened my last present. It was a box this time and as I lifted the top there was a beautiful little teddy bear ornament with a little sign saying ‘Best Friends’ in cute swirly writing. “aww that’s so cute!” I put the little bear on the unit next to my bed and threw the paper on the floor and gave Kat another hug. “Thank you so much for all of my presents KittyKat!” “Anytime!” we spent another couple of hours watching films till about 3am when we both fell asleep in my double bed.

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