Like a rocket to the sky

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Chapter 1

Okay , lets start with the basics. My Names Beth, I'm nothing special, just your average 17 year old. I have long blonde hair sitting at my waist with a few highlights, I have hazel eyes and I'm around 5ft 6 tall. Dance is my passion and I've been doing it since I was 3 with my best friend Kat. Kat has got brown hair and the most gorgeous matching brown eyes ever! She is stunning! She's a bit away with the fairies most of the time and she's a bit thick but I love her all the same. I've been best friends with Kat since we both joined the same dance school and we went through all of our school years together too so we've pretty much been joint at the hip since. My mum Julie and her mum Sue became really close too because of Kat and I so we often met up as a family. My mums real best friend though was Barbara Parker, they were best friends throughout the whole of their schools years and are still best friends now. This is where my bestest friend comes in. Her son Tom has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, we grew up together and our families often get together and go out for the day or for a meal so me and Tom are really close. Me, Tom and Kat used to meet up all the time and either go out of spend the day at mine. Kat and Tom weren't as close to each other as they were with me so they never met up the two of them but they were still really close. Tom and I were the closest though as we have the family connection and we spent pretty much everyday together. When I was about 10 I used to get bullied for having glasses and braces and kids would often corner me and tease me but Tom would always come and stick up for me even though it made people hate him too. I tell tom everything and he tells me everything too, hes the first person I ever go to if I'm upset or need someone to talk to and he always knows how to make me smile. Anyone who saw the way we act together would think we're dating but we really aren't. I don't think I could ever date him, it would be too weird. I mean, a couple of years ago I did lose my virginity to him and vice versa but it didn't mean anything to either of us and we don't really care too much. But now, Tom is moving to London with his new band and although I'm happy for him that he's finally got what he's always wanted, I'm not going to see him anymore unless he comes down when he has time off and I can't help but think he's going to forget about me. He'll be too famous to remember plain old Beth when he's living his dream and having girls throwing themselves at him and all his new friends in London. So this brings us to where we are today...

"I'm gonna miss you so much Beth!" Tom cried into my shoulder, "I'm gonna miss you too TomTom"! I sobbed back into his. We'd been like this for about 20 minutes, he had made sure he came to say goodbye to me 2 hours before he actually had to leave so we had time to say goodbye. "promise me you'll call and text and skype whenever you can and don't forget about me" I wept, he grabbed my shoulders and held me at arms length, " I will NEVER, EVER forget about you! Your my best friend and nothing, I mean NOTHING will ever change that, I love you!" "okay, love you too TomTom". We stayed like this on my sofa for another half an hour before Barbara came in and told us we had to go. I went with them to the train station to say goodbye as I wanted to cherish every last moment with Tom. That's what worries me the most, what if he forgets about me? What if he realises I'm worthless and doesn't want to speak to me ever again? What if he replaces me? "What's the matter?" Tom leaned over to me and put his hand on mine obviously noticing my mood, "nothing don't worry" I forced a smile before turning my attention to back out the window and staring blankly at the passing surroundings. "Don't lie to me Beth, I can read you like a book and I know something's bothering you" that's the annoying thing about Tom, he always knew if I was upset even if everyone else believed the smile I was hiding behind. "it just... what if you realise you don't need me and forget about me? Or if you replace me? I don't want to lose you Tom" I sighed and he put his arm around my shoulder "Babe, you are and always will be my best friend okay? Your amazing. And I will never forget about you! You will never lose me, I promise I will always be just a phone call away." He kissed my head and I snuggled into his chest, "love you TomTom" "I love you too". We must have fallen asleep like that because before I knew it, Barbara was waking us up and we were at the station. We climbed out and Tom got his suitcase from the boot. He only had one bag which had the things he needed right up till the last minute as all of his other things were shipped over previously. He took my hand and wrapped his arm around me as we walked towards the station. We had about 15 minutes before his train as we had got here slightly earlier than expected so we decided to head towards Starbucks to get some drinks. Time flew by and his train soon rolled into he station and as soon as the announcement rang through the station I couldn't stop the tears that were building inside my eyes and I was soon sobbing again. "hey, hey, don't cry" Tom soothed me and gave me one final hug and kiss on the head before he said goodbye to Barbara and climbed on the train. He sat at the window seat right beside where we were standing and waved as the train rolled away, taking my best friend with it.

Okay so this is my first Fanfic so i hope it wasn't too awful! :S anyway, let me know what you think and Vote, Comment, Fan and leave any comments on any possible ideas you have! thank you all if you actually read it but i haven't high hopes so yeah, let me know what you think! :D i also realise that i didnt really mention the age diifference between Beth and Kat, and Tom but yeah, so if it doesn't make sense at all in this chapter then let me know and i can change it! thanks! :) xox

~Bethh x

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