☞chapter 1

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Jung hoseok's pov

I think we all have a beautiful place in our mind. I have a wonderful place that made me happy a lot of times, years ago. But sometimes I think that I am the only person who likes this place and I'm asking myself if this place will be as beautiful as I thought when I go back to visit it again. Perhaps I made it beautiful in my mind.

This place is meaningful to me because it is where I grew up and is part of my childhood. It is a polluted town because of the coal industry. People live in apartments or condominium buildings because of its little space available. I grew up in one of the many buildings there admiring from my bedroom window the beauty of the mountains, always exploring with my eyes the forest or the meadows, looking for a clean and quiet place. And, I found one on a hill at the back of the town. It is about 100 feet square, it has seven old trees, wild flowers and a lot of bugs and ants during summer time.

I used to go there to sit down on a rock and watch the town and my trees. There was a very old tree, a maple tree, with a huge trunk. The others were smaller, three in the back, three on my left side and the old maple tree on my right. There were flowers, many kinds, white, yellow, purple and blue. It was nobody's place. Nobody owned that hill, but it was beautiful and peaceful and I dreamed many times about a white house over there.

I think that, these kinds of places are meaningful to people because they are natural and people can be there alone, away from their everyday life.

I used to go there to be alone or to dream with my eyes open admiring the blue sky or the clouds. I liked to go there to lay down on the grass, listen to the wind, kiss the flowers and watch the leaves moving. It was hard to go up the hill to get there, but I wanted to see everyday my seven trees, to see how the color of the leaves changed and to feel the softness of the grass.

Life is Hard, Life is Difficult

Everybody wishes for good life. It may be at different levels. One person may define a good life one way and another may describe it another way. For me, a good life may be just having three meals a day and a roof over their head. For another it may be having a huge mansion and a couple of million dollars in the bank.

There was a chance my life wouldn't have been hard if I wasn't going through family abuse. I hate stealing but my dad forces me to do so, and he uses my mom to make me do things I regret later.

It was summer, and in this season it becomes hard to steal because of the increase in security in every street. The little amount of money I get by stealing is taken by my father to drink. I just wish that one day I can get million dollars to get my mom a house, free from all the danger from my family.


A/n note: I know this story is boring in the beginning, I'll try to make it interesting in upcoming chapters.

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