chapter seventeen

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I woke up when Maria's alarm went off at five-thirty. Usually I roll over and she gives me a kiss, but this morning she didn't. I open my eyes to see Y/N still fast asleep between us, practically taking all the blanket from Maria.

A small, tired smile creeps up on my lips. "She came in last night," Maria informs me in a whisper, slowly getting out of bed and stretching her arms out. "She still looks so young when she sleeps," I pout.

'Ria walks around to my side of the bed to give me a kiss before she gets into the shower. I stayed in bed for another twenty minutes whilst she was in there before getting up and making coffee. Y/N usually gets up around six o'clock because she has to leave for work at seven, so I make her a coffee too.

I hear Y/N's alarm start to go off in her bedroom so I go to turn it off before going into my room and waking her up. "Sweetheart, it's six o'clock," I gently shake her awake. She groans and rubs her eyes with her fists. "I don't wanna be awake," She mumbles, turning onto her side with her back to me. "I know," I sigh. "I've made you coffee if that helps?"

"Thank you," She breathes. "I'll get up, just give me five more minutes."
"Okay," I giggle slightly, leaning over and kissing her forehead before heading back into the kitchen.

I heard the shower water turn off in the bathroom and sure enough Y/N got out of bed so that Maria could come out of the bathroom to change.

Y/N sat down on the kitchen stool next to me with a sigh as I handed her a cup of coffee. "Thanks," She spoke tiredly.

"I really don't want to go to work," She admits with a yawn. I smile sadly, knowing exactly why she doesn't want to go. "Could you call in sick?" I suggest with a shrug. "I could, but it's only my first week. I don't want them to fire me," She points out and I nod.

"What if he comes in?" She asks anxiously. "Do you think you could speak to your manager about it?"
"I mean I could, but what if he thinks I'm overreacting?" She shrugs, taking a sip of her coffee. My eyebrows knit together; "Then he is a dickhead and you shouldn't be working for him."

Y/N chuckles tiredly at my response. "But honestly, speak to your manager about it and if he doesn't do anything, I can come hang out at the coffee shop for a few hours and make sure he doesn't go near you," I offer and she nods hesitantly.

"I just don't want to see him again," Her voice wavers as tears start to brim in her eyes. "I know honey," I frown, reaching my arm her back and pulling her closer to me as she rests her head on my shoulder.

Maria walks into the kitchen and notices that Y/N's upset. "You okay?" She asks gently, pouring her coffee. Y/N shrugs in response. "Do you want me to kick someone's ass, because I can?" She questions seriously. Y/N laughs; "Can I give you a list?"

"I'm just scared that Levi's going to come into work today," She further explains. "If he does, call me and I'll come take him in," Maria smiles. "You can do that?"
"Well no, but I can scare him into thinking I can," She shrugs. "I mean I carry a badge and a gun so..." 

Y/N laughs and lifts her head off my shoulder. "Thank you," She smiles lightly.


On the walk to work, I noticed Y/N was really anxious. She barely said anything and was constantly picking at the skin around her nails.

"Sweetheart, if you can't do it today, it's okay. We can go home and we can spend the day together or go shopping or do whatever you want," I assure her as we get to the coffee shop. She nods with tears in her eyes. "I can do it, I'll be fine," She tells me.

"Okay. Promise to call me if you need?" I say, wiping her tears away. "I promise," She smiles softly. "I'll see you soon," She says. "I'll see you soon," I kiss her forehead before she walks into work.

As soon as I step in the door my heart starts racing. I walk through the crowd of people and make my way around the back to put my bag down and tie up my hair before I have to clock in.

As I go to walk back out, Amelia comes over to me. "Hey, just so you know if Levi comes in today I've been given permission to kick him out by the boss, so you don't have to worry," She informs me.

Confusion washes over my face. "What? How'd you know?" I question.

"This girl Kate came in yesterday and she seemed upset so I asked her what was wrong. She didn't tell me what happened but she said to not let Levi near you if he ever comes back," She explains.

I almost want to cry in relief when she tells me this.

"Thank you," I smile lightly. "Of course. Now, are you okay? Do you need anything? A hug?" She offers, putting her hands on both my shoulders. "Yeah, I'll have a hug," I chuckle, wiping the tears that had started falling. "Okay," She smiles sadly, wrapping her arms around me and holding me tightly.

"Thanks Amelia," I sigh, pulling away from the hug. "Don't stress it," She smiles. "Apparently Scott knew of someone who went to prison because he abused his stepdaughter and he never understood how someone could do that, so he's really big on not letting stuff like that go. Like ever," She says.

"Wow, is the girl okay now?" I question genuinely. "Yeah. At least I think so. I think boss said that the girl was adopted by her teacher or something. I don't know for sure though, it happened over five years ago now."

Amelia must have noticed the stunned look on my face after she finished talking. "What?"

"Nothing," I shake my head. "Do you know if the guys still in prison?" I question, hoping that the answer is yes. It can't just be a coincidence that this girl went through exactly what I did, right?

"Uh, no I think he got out. I remember Scott saying a while back that he tried to come in here and sort things out with him, but he kicked him out immediately. As far as I know, I don't think he ever came back," She shrugs.

I swallow harshly and nod. My stepfather is out of prison.

"Why do you ask?" Amelia questions. "No reason. Just wondering," I purse my lips together. "Alright, well we better get to work," She mentions and I nod.

A/N: dun dun dunnnnn

I have covid again, lol

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