In utter silence, I followed Justin out of the building. We made our way around the huge campus to another building. It was even larger than the dormitories. I gazed at the high ceilings and grand staircases.

"All classes are in this building. Here's a billboard; It'll tell you where your classes are." Justin finally spoke, tapping the board which had papers hanging all over it. I nodded, looking at my schedule before finding my class.

"Okay, I got it." I responded before Justin nodded and with a wave, he was off into one of the classes downstairs, but mine was on the third floor. I was a little curious to see what kind of school they were putting me in. All I knew is that it had to be better than public.

Once I found my class, I didn't hesitate to barge in and look around at the vacant seats. More and more people filed in, ignoring my existence as they took a seat wherever they wanted.

The next thing I knew, I'm being shoved out of the way as Vic walks in by himself. I watched him as he took a seat, and with a smirk I headed to the seat right next to him. Without glancing at his undoubtedly annoyed expression, I stared off into the front of the room.

"You need to move." Vic finally spoke, lowering his voice so no one heard us.

"Oh?" I mocked. "Does someone else usually sit here?"

"Move." Vic ignored my question, rolling his eyes when I looked away and kept put. "I hate you." He spat.

"Good." I muttered in response, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair, letting the front legs dangle in the air. The next thing I knew, someone was grabbing my chair and placing it back on the ground.

"Watch it." I warned to whoever was behind me. A knot formed in my stomach once I saw it was actually my professor.

"You must be Kellin." He spoke clearly, shaking his head at me.

"I'll start you off with a little warning, I don't tolerate back talk, or anything else. Pay attention or leave." He added on. I held my tongue, trying not to talk back. I hated being talked to like a child. After he moved on, a sly chuckle escaped Vic's lips.

"Shut up." I mumbled, a little embarrassed by the entire situation. At least Vic was the only one who saw it happen. Vic didn't respond for once as the professor, whatever his name was starting to talk. I was completely lost, considering I had transferred into the academy in the middle of the year. I tried to understand, but none of it was making sense. With a groan to myself, I zoned out and started to sketch on my notebook rather than write notes on chemistry.

"What are you doing?" I heard Vic whisper. With a roll of my eyes, I looked up to see him looking back, but he didn't seem annoyed with me at the moment.

"Why do you care? I thought you hated me." I whispered back, leaving his gaze to continue sketching. My pencil was taken out of my fingers as Vic tossed it on his side of the desk.

"You're going to get caught; Why aren't you paying attention?" Vic urged now that he had my full undivided attention.

"I don't know what's going on; I just got here you know." I mumbled, glancing at the professor who was too focused on teaching to notice we were talking. Vic sighed, flicking through his notebook before landing on a certain page and sliding the notebook over to me.

"Study with this... It'll help." He explained. I nodded slowly, unsure of why the hell he was being friendly all the sudden. I was going to question him about it when suddenly, I heard someone clear their throat. Immediately, I looked back to see my teacher standing beside me, a stern look on his face.

"Vic, was Kellin talking to you?" My professor questioned. I switched my gaze to Vic who eyed me and smirked a little.

"Yeah, I was trying to get him to leave me alone." Vic lied with ease. If I hadn't known otherwise, it would've been easy to believe him. I closed my eyes as I knew what was about to come.

Trouble ▸▸ KellicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon