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Fawn's POV

After he disappeared I was left to sit there...speechless.


No! No, I had him right there!

The feeling finally came back to my limbs and I was able to pull myself up weakly and stumble to my feet.

"C-come back!"

My voice quivered as I looked around, limping back to the entrance of the alleyway.

Those eyes, that stare, the clothes, the monocle...that was him, that was my Alastor! I know it was...

It has to be...

So then why did he say no?

He gave me a long, hard look. I saw recognition in his eyes if not for just a split second, I saw him recognize me.

Tears gathered in my eyes and I didn't even bother to try and stop them from falling. I'm so tired and hungry, and I just had him right there.

Now he's gone...

I'm staring back at the streets of unfamiliar demon faces, the one I was trying to find having vanished, just like that.

The pentagram above was still spinning leisurely in the sky, the only indication that time had passed being the dingy red hue that had settled over town.

It must be late...

I need to find shelter, and I need to find it fast. A place that'll take me in...I have a feeling that shark wasn't the only rapist down here. 

Quickly, I wiped my eyes. Crying is weakness, and weakness is double death. There's no being weak in hell, and boy did I learn that lesson fast.

The only reason I'm not a sad pile of broken bones on the concrete is because my knight in shining armor appeared out of nowhere, and then he promptly fucked back off.

Was that even him...did I just hallucinate, or something...?

No...I can't have, that would be stupid. If I hallucinated, how would that explain the dead bodies littered back there...

Regardless, I need to find shelter. So, on another long, boring walk I go.


My legs felt like jelly, and my entire body was aching now.

I've been to several different hotels, and none of them were willing to let me camp out free for one fact, most of the managers laughed in my face.

It's been several more hours, and I feel sick. Not sick as in physical, but mentally, I just feel sick...

I was about to just give up and lay down on the side of the road, hoping no passing demon decided I looked like a good snack or an easy fuck.

This place may look like earth just slightly, but it's nothing like home...the chaos and danger is off the charts, I'm scared to even look over my shoulder because I don't want to know who's behind me.

Thankfully, nothing too intense has happened since the earlier incident, only a few creeps but they didn't find me worth their time.

My legs felt like they wouldn't be walking much further, and I figured I'd checked every hotel I could've possibly checked, until I looked up and saw a brightly glowing sign that said "Hazbin Hotel".

Oh shit, I haven't checked that one out also looks so much larger than all the other ones.

After forcing my legs to pull me a few more agonizing feet, I finally found myself at the front doors of this hotel.

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