Act one

12 1 0

Someday when I'm lonely wishing you weren't so far away


Summer of 1963

Margaret Evans, mostly known as Marge, was an 18 year old secretary at a very well known place around the streets of London. She couldn't bear to explain how lucky she got to end up working there, especially at such a young age, but she comes from a well known and not to mention wealthy family, with a famous last name around the corner. Her father insisted she and her younger sister would invest in this company, and that « they would create the future together » he would say. He would always say that. Her and Pauline grew up having this mindset of having to live up to this family's name and to in fact create the future together, as he would say. But for now, Margaret would just stay here, answer and transfer some important phone calls that herself wouldn't understand the use of at the company reception of this huge place. It was far more than enough for her, and she would get a good amount of extra pounds compared to what her girl friends would get. She was content.

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