Orange Town

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Third-person point of view

The Devils Burn was sailing across the sea until they saw three people in the water.

Crow's Nest: Hey captain we got shipwreck survivors in front of us.

Luffy: Bring them up.

They stopped the ship and brought them up on the ship.

?: Thanks for the help. Pulls out their weapons. Now hand over everything you own and bow down in the name of Buggy The Clown.

Luffy: You've made a mistake believing that you're on The Big Top; you're a long way from your captain to threaten us. He lifts his arms. This is The Devils Burn.

After he said that; everyone pulled out their guns and pointed the guns at them.

Luffy: Put your weapons down and no one will get hurt; it's eighteen of us and only three of you.

The three pirates put their weapons on the ground and put their hands up.

Edward: What do you plan to do with them; a man should pass the judgment.

Luffy: Tie them up and take them to the brig.

Jason: Smart choice but first.

He dashed in front of them and sent a series of darts that made them fall to the ground.

The Crew: What was that?

Jason: I gave them a paralysis serum; they are not going anywhere for a while.

The crew was shocked at this, as some of them were tying the pirates up.

Buggy Pirate: Wait we were tricked by a girl with orange hair, blue and white shirt, orange miniskirt, and boots.

Edon: Where did she go?

Buggy Pirate: Orange Town, Organ Islands.

Luffy: Thanks for the information; now get them out of my site

The three pirates were dragged into the prison hold and Luffy disappeared.

Edon: There he goes again.

Zoro: Where did he go?

Jason: He is heading to Orange Town to fight Buggy.

Zoro: Ok ok fine I guess I have to go after him.

Edward: same let's go get him brother

Edon: set sail to orange Island

Crew: Aye.

Orange Town

Luffy appeared on top of the building and started to look for Nami. After a few minutes; he sees her and another girl being chased by three members of Buggy's crew. As they were about to catch her; Luffy appeared and took out the pirates.

Nami: Who are you?

Zatanna: and what do you want with me and my sister

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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