We Meet Again

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        It was late in the evening, and the sun was setting over the horizon, though obstructed by the trees that surround the house Remus Lupin resided in. The werewolf had been bouncing from job to job, and had finally found a semi stable job after being a professor at Hogwarts; it was one of those soul crushing office jobs that Remus was much over qualified for. Then again Remus was a werewolf which cut his credibility in half. As his employers saw it, this made him just qualified for the low level job. Just to live in the partial comfort he resided in now he had to work overtime in the mornings and at night. He was also given weekends off so he worked part time jobs on those days. To sum it all up neatly, the man who was watching the sunset from his back porch was completely burnt out.

       His scars seemed more pronounced than ever across his pale face, and huge dark eye bags hung under his sad light brown eyes. In school he had worn large sweaters as a fashion choice and they had always fit him just enough to wear they never looked bad on him. Now, he wore robes that absolutely drowned him, so that any person who looked upon him could see he mainly stocked his closet with second hand clothing given away or sold at an extremely cheap price. Why, you may ask, describe this sad sight so thoroughly? Well, Sirius Black, in the form of a dog, was gazing at the man and picking up every single one of these details, and more. Slowly the dog trotted into sight causing Remus to take a double take.

          "Pads? Blimey you can't be here," Remus said to the black dog walking over to him. Sirius took no heed in these words, and walked up the back porch steps to rub his head against the werewolf's knee in a greeting manner. As a dog Sirius didn't feel the complex wave of guilt, sorrow, and anger looking at Remus's current state that he ordinarily would. Instead he just felt sad and his tail hung limp between his back legs. Remus recognized the look of sadness in the Sirius's eyes, even as a dog.

        "Alright, come on inside Sirius," Remus sighed, and opened the back door for Sirius to enter. Once Remus had entered behind him, shutting, and locking, the door Sirius turned back into his normal human state. Sirius was doing just as poorly as Remus appearance wise, his face was gaunt and pale, and his grey eyes didn't have that same light of mischief they used to possess, though it hadn't completely abandoned him. He was also frighteningly thin. 

        "Hello Moony, it's great to see you again," Sirius said a bit awkwardly, they had their big 'ignore the gay relationship we were in' reunion at the shrieking shack a couple months ago now, and the air was a bit tense between the two friends. 

         "Yes it's good to see you alive, and I'd like you to remain that way, so please explain while your rooting around in my backyard, and not holed up somewhere safely," Remus demanded looking at his friend, both seemed to have aged thirty years since that Halloween night thirteen years prior. 

        "Well, I'm on my way to help Harry with the whole Triwizard toura-," Sirius was beginning to explained before he was cut off by the taller male.

        "Help Harry? As in go to Hogwarts?! Sirius that's a brilliant way to get yourself arrested again!" Remus exclaimed, shocked by the careless plan of Sirius's.

        "Well I wouldn't go TO Hogwarts Remus, I'd live in that cave near Hogsmeade where we used to take you sometimes during full moons," Sirius explained, Remus was still staring at him quite shocked.

        "But there are people near Hogsmeade!" Remus argued. "People who think your a homicidal, mad, maniac!" 

        "Would you relax? I've got to help Harry, I'm his godfather," Sirius responded. He had expected the werewolf to be more understanding of his mission, after all he knew for a fact Remus was longing to see and assist Harry as well. Remus let out a long sigh.

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