A Lovely Day

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         Sirius opened his grey eyes and was harshly assaulted by the sunlight shining mercilessly though the window in the dormitory. He flipped over and covered his head with a pillow refusing to get up, or acknowledge the new day. It was a weekend anyways, why should he have to get up and deal with people? So the black haired boy flipped over on his other side with full intention of sleeping his life away when Remus caught his eye. 

         The werewolf was sitting up in his bed and slipping on a massive brown jumper on, Sirius found himself staring at the boy in front of him. Remus didn't seem to notice as he was busy getting ready for the day, and was currently brushing his dirty blonde hair into submission. Sirius decided that the day was worth at least a shot, and sat up, yawning.

        "Morning my one and only true love," Sirius greeted dramatically and smiled at the werewolf in front of him. Remus just rolled his whiskey/honey colored eyes in response, and smiled a little at his boyfriend and his antics.

        "Your in a good mood for it to be morning," Remus noted, Sirius was usually not a morning person in the slightest, and any effort to get up at all was surprising.

        "Well, if I'm asleep how the hell can I ask you to got to Hogsmeade with me today?" Sirius explained, slyly slipping the possible date into his response.

        "Getting up and making plans? What the hell have you done with my Sirius?" Remus questioned looking at Sirius in fake suspicion. The latter just laughed and rolled his eyes a bit.

       "I'm not THAT bad Moons!" Sirius argued as he attempted to get ready. Remus gave him a look that perfectly conveyed 'I beg to differ' in a single glance.

       After the two were officially ready for the day they both made their way down the corridors and to the Great Hall for Breakfast. The two made their way to Gryffindor table where they sat with Lily, as Peter and James were yet to wake up.

      "Moons how did you manage to get Sirius up? I mean I've suggested a spray bottle, but I didn't think you'd actually use it," Lily asked looking at the pair as they sat down across from her.

      "Is it really that weird for me to get up on time?" Sirius asked the two studios Gryffindors he was sitting with.

       "Yes," They both responded at the same time, then laughed at the coincidence.  Sirius crossed his arms and pouted only nibbling at the food in front of him.

      "You wanna go to the Three Broomsticks after this Pads?" Remus asked his pouting boyfriend. Sirius immediately perked up at the suggestion.

      "Yes! We're gonna have so much butterbeer!" Sirius shouted excitedly and both Lily and Remus laughed.

      "How do you deal with all that energy Moony?" Lily asked the overall relatively calm boy who sat across from her.

      "Well, you have to play fetch a lot, and take him on a ton of walks," Remus began and Sirius slapped his shoulder causing Remus to laugh harder.

     "I am only a dog sometimes Moons!" Sirius argued sending Remus a glare with not a drop of malice or contempt behind it. 

    "Jury's still out on that one," Lily stated, smiling and laughing along with her werewolf friend.

     "Ya know what! C'mon Moons I'm gonna drown my sorrows in a barely alcoholic drink-" Sirius announced as he boarder-line dragged his boyfriend out of the Great Hall. They both made their way out of the castle and in the direction of Hogsmeade wanting to get their early and avoid all the little third years running around. Sirius wasn't really upset at Breakfast, he had been having a good time, but he wanted to mess with Remus as well. So, once they arrived in the little town Sirius yanked Remus to the back of one of the buildings where no one was.

      "What happened to going to the Three Broomsticks?" Remus asked in a confused voice, unsure why Sirius had brought him here all the sudden until Sirius shoved him against the back of one of the buildings by the werewolf's hips.

      "Figured this would be more fun," Sirius whispered into Remus's ear. Never in Remus's life had his face flushed with color so quickly as to this moment. Remus was about to say something when Sirius crashed their lips together pulling the werewolf impossibly close as the kiss warmed them both from the chilly day. Sirius noted that Remus's mouth always tasted like chocolate even if he hadn't had any that day. Sirius smirked against Remus's lips and laughed just a little at the sight of just how red Remus had become.

    Damn was he glad he got up this morning.

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