Chapter 2

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Ten Years Ago

The end of the day bell rang, and everyone jumped up from their seats as Ms. Nickels, our Senior English class teacher, opened the door, allowing us to leave. Waiting for the chaos of trying to get out the door first to die down, I got up from my seat, started collecting my things into my bag, and slipped on my jacket. As I closed my bag, a pair of hands covered my eyes. I quickly let go of my bag as I grabbed the hands; I pulled them away from my face and turned around to face the person behind me.

My best friend Myles stood behind me with a big goofy grin planted on his face. His bright blue eyes shined down at me as he laughed. “Hey, short stuff.” Rolling my eyes, I turned back to my bag and put one of the straps on as I pushed past him. “Have I told you lately how annoying you are?” He followed me out of the classroom into the hall and caught up next to me as he looked at the imaginary wristwatch.

“Not in the last 3 hours we’ve been apart, my darling best friend.” Shaking my head at him, I chuckle as we make our way through the school to the busses waiting to shuttle all the lower town kids back home.

“Well, just to keep the record straight, you’re annoying.” He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into him, “Love you too.”

I laughed as I pulled away from him, pushed open the exit doors, and walked quickly towards our bus. “Why are you so chipper? Last I knew, you were still mopping around about Victoria ignoring you at lunch.”

Looking at him, he put his hand to his heart, “Oh, how you wound me by the reminder.” Rolling my eyes again at him, I climb onto our bus, thankful for the escape from the cold, and head to an open seat.

Getting into the seat, I shoot over to the window so he can join me. I pull my bag from my back as he plops down next to me. “Anyways, I’m chipper because I got us an invite to a party tonight.” Turning in my seat to look at him, I raise my eyebrow.

“What party tonight? There’s no party in the neighborhood tonight.” He grins big once again before he pulls out his phone from his jacket pocket and hits the keyboard a few times before showing me the screen.

Looking at his phone, I read the party’s address, “Fifth Ave? Are you nuts?” Pulling his phone from his hands, I hit the delete button as he reaches for his phone. “Hey, why’d you go and do that for?” He whines as the message is deleted.

“Myles, are you stupid? You can’t go to a fifth Ave party. My brother doesn’t even go to those.”

Shaking his head, he groans as he pulls his phone out of my hands, shoves it back into his pocket, and leans back against the seat. “Just because your brother doesn’t go to them doesn’t mean we can’t.”

Rubbing my forehead, I groan loudly, “Myles do you know who throws the fifth Ave parties?” As I look at him, he shrugs his shoulders, “I mean, everyone knows who throws them, Bec. So what’s the big deal? It’s not like I’m looking to join them or anything. It’s just a party.”

I shake my head and throw my hands up, “I swear you don’t listen when my brother and his friends talk.”

He chuckles and looks at me, confused, “Why would I? It’s a bunch of dudes trash-talking when they drink. Nothing worth listening to most of the time anyway.”

I move my hand towards his face and flick him off the forehead; he grabs the spot and whines as he rubs it with his hand, “What the fuck, Bec? That hurt!”

Laughing, I roll my eyes and sit back against my seat, “Just come over and watch a movie tonight instead of going to the party, alright?” I look over at him, sticking my bottom lip out as he looks at me. He rolls his eyes as he grabs my lip and tugs it down. “You need to work on the puppy dog eyes, but fine. As long as you make me nachos.”

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