Chapter 1

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The red and blue lights flashed through the broken windows of the abandoned warehouse; I jumped up from the couch I had been lying on and ran to the windows. I leaned up against the wall and peered out the side. About ten cop cruisers flashed their lights, but no siren came from around the corner speeding towards the warehouse.

“Shit!” Running over to the railing, I looked down to see everyone. “COPS!” I screamed at the top of my lungs to the group on the first level.

Everyone started running in different directions. While they all started separating to avoid cops, I ran for the fire escape that led to the alley closest to the woods. Through the window and down the fire escape, looking around to make sure no one was there, I started for the woods. I was about to round the corner a few feet from the woods. Mitchell collapses to the ground with a cop on top of him in the middle of the open pathway. I stopped in my tracks as he hit the ground and got up against the wall. My hands moved around in the darkness, looking for a doorway but came up empty on both sides. Finally, moving slowly against the wall, I found what felt like a doorway. Turning around to look, I found myself in an old boarded-up entrance. “Fuck” I said to myself and turned back around, hoping the darkness would keep me hidden. I peaked around the small corner and watched as the cop pinned Mitchell to the ground; the cop moved off of Mitchell and reached to his belt just as Mitchell tried getting up from the ground, but the cop shoved his knee onto Mitchell’s back and pulled his weapon pointing it to his head. The cop pressed the barrel against the back of Mitchell’s head. I put my hands over my mouth to keep from being heard.

“Stop fucking moving, Mitchell!” Another cop yelled as he ran up next to them, pointing his gun at Mitchell. The one with his knee on him pressed the gun more into his head.

“Fuck you!” Mitchell yelled as he moved his head forth then back quickly as he continued to try and fight against the cop holding him down.

The one standing next to them looked at the other cop before looking around the area. Pressing more up against the wall as I could, he looked back down at the other cop and nodded. The one holding Mitchell down moved his gun from his head before raising it and bringing it back down hard, so the side hit Mitchell’s head a few times before he finally stopped moving. I gasped and instantly regretted it, pressing back against the board, and waited. I could barely see around the lip of the doorway.

Slowly his large, darkened frame came into view just a few feet away from me. I watched as he stepped into view and looked around the shadows. He saw me hiding and quickly pointed his gun at me. I threw my hands up in the air as I stood there frozen.

“Anything?” The other cop called, and the cop in front of me smirked as he looked at me. “Found one of the little whores.” He pointed his gun at me as he moved his head, “Let’s go bitch.”

Staying entirely still, he groaned before grabbing and yanking me towards him. Stumbling over my feet as he pulled me towards him, I fell into him. He wrapped one giant muscular arm around me as he pulled me into him, causing me to bump my head into his chest. He looked down at me and laughed a laugh that made my skin crawl. “Are you trying to solicit an officer of the law?”

“Fuck you!” I yelled as I tried pulling back from him. He let go of me as he grabbed my upper up and tugged me forward, “Don’t make me smack you over the head like your pimp here.” He walked us back towards where Mitchell was pulled up from the ground by the first cop. We stepped into the dim light as Mitchell groaned, and his eyes started to flutter. “Fucking pigs!” He said as he finally came two as the cop pulled him along.

“Shut up, trash bags.” The first cop yelled as he stomped on the back of Mitchell’s leg. He yelled out in pain as he continued to struggle; the cop’s boot came down on his leg.

“Leave him alone!” I yelled, causing the other cop to jerk me back towards him before he turned me to face him, “Keep quiet whore!” I glared at him as I could finally see his face better in the light. He had dark brown eyes that looked down at me with nothing but disgust. His black hair fell close to his eyes as he smirked, shaking his head before pushing me back around and forcing me to walk, “Just another trash whore trying to protect this shit bag. I don’t know what they see in him.”

The cop pulling Mitchell along laughed as we made our way around the warehouse. “Maybe it’s my big cock....” Mitchell spat out as we walked towards the cruisers.

“You wish!” I yelled towards him, causing him to turn his head quickly towards me.

“Fuck you!” He yelled as he tried looking at me, but the cop yanked him forward, making the hair on the top of his head go back and forth from the force. “Fuck you too!” I yelled back at him as the cops pushed us towards a cruiser.

The cop dragging me laughed as we got closer to a cruiser. “Aw, look, trash spat.” He pushed me against the cruiser as he put his hand on my back, holding me against it. I turned to the other side to see Mitchell against another car. Mitchell looked at me, shaking his head, “Don’t say shit!”

Rolling my eyes, “OH fuck off, Mitchell.” I felt the cuffs hit my wrists as the cop yanked my arms behind my back, “Both of you shut the fuck up.”

I shook my head as he pulled the door open and pushed me into the back seat slamming the doors shut behind me. I rolled my eyes as I sat back against the seat. “This is fucking great.” I groaned as another cop ran up to the cruiser, looking out the window and seeing the cops talk to each other. “I got this one. Parker.”

Looking up at the cop, I saw the one person I had hoped I’d never see again, groaning and hitting my head against the back of the seat. “You sure, Travis? This one here is fiesty.” The cop who cuffed me laughs. “I’m sure, Parker.”

The hairs on my arms raised as the front door opened and my ex slid into the front seat. Closing the driver’s side door before turning the car on and pulling away from the warehouse. Avoiding his stare in the rearview mirror, I looked out the window as we went back toward town.

“The fuck are you doing here, Rebecca?” He finally broke the silence.

I stayed quiet as he waited, “Oh, come on, Bec. Talk to me already. This is getting a little ridiculous.”

Whipping my head back to look at him, I glared at him in the rearview mirror, “Don’t you dare call me that! You have NO right not after what you did!”

He sighs as he looks between me and the road and then back to me, “You have no idea what even went down, Rebecca!”

“Fuck you, Travis!” I scream, shaking his head; he looks back to the road in front of us. Looking back out the window, I can feel the sting of tears in my eyes. “I can’t save you this time, Rebecca.”

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