Unfinished ideas (more just cuz)

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Kenma x Oc (yes BxB again, I don't see as much gay shot on here)
So basically Oc looks are the same from a webtoon called obliviously in love (great webtoon) the character being August. And so Oc is the brother of kaori from Your lie in April. One thought I had for this was that he didn't go to school for a year before going to nekoma because of the passing of his sister.

Tamaki x Sun/Moon Oc
Basically sun and moon but in BNHA and shipped with tamaki (that's all really)

OUAT (note making this at night and revisiting my love of this show while having a slight whole existential crisis)
Henry x Male reader/Oc
So Henry dear Henry is closeted Bi, and gets a crush on a darker version of Christopher robbins. And it's just him having to deal with his crush and trying not to come out because all he ever saw was hetro romantics with his whole storybook filled with princess and princess and just all the straight stuff.

Fanfic ideas :)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora