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(Hi, readers!! I'm so sorry this took so long. But here we are, new chapter for you. It might not have been worth the wait, if you have been patient enough, but thank you for the continuous love. I hope y'all continue to show support for this story. I do plan on seeing it through, start to finish. It's one I've been working on for over a year and I really enjoy every moment of writing my new ideas. This might be underwhelming, but I hope it's still a little lovable to you. I started junior year in high school, so I might not be able to upload for another while. Please stay patient with me, I promise to keep updating when I can. Happy reading, loves <3 !!)

(My Perspective)

Today's the day. I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off, set for seven in the morning. I sigh, looking up at my polaroids. Looking back... it's crazy how quickly time flew. Just as I'm about to pick up my phone, my doors burst open and my friends come tackle me on my bed.

"Danielle!" Liz shakes me hard with excitement.

"Yes, that's me. Hi, Liz." I laugh, grabbing her shoulders to stop her.

"Are you excited?" Amryn yells in my face. I nod timidly, looking down at my curled fists in the sheets. What if it's not the same?

"Hey, what's with the long face?" Lily asks, climbing on the bed with the others.

"Just thinking." I reply with a soft smile on my face.

"The what ifs are back, aren't they?" Liz asks me. I don't move, just nodding again, looking down at my sheets.

"I promise you," Lily tilts my chin up, "he's going to be so surprised. I know he misses you."

"What if it's not the good type of surprise?" I look back trying to stop myself from crying. "I know I shouldn't be reacting like this, it's not a big deal, but..."

"Dani, are you kidding us? This is such a major thing, don't say that." Liz sympathizes.

"I just... I don't know if... it'll be the same. Like yes, I want him to remember me. Yes, I want him to think of me as the same girl he grew up with through our entire childhoods. But..."

"But, what?" Lily tilts her head to the side from curiosity.

I sigh, "But I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't recognize or remember me."

"Okay, well, I know I can confirm that he will absolutely remember you." Amryn taps my chin up. "Trust me when I say: that connection will still be there. I feel it. You guys are like magic stardust."

"I hope so." I look at them hopefully, smiling up at my three other roommates.

"We know so." They speak in sync with a sense of reassurance in it.

"But, as for now, you need to get ready!" Liz gets excited again, dragging me out of my room, as Lily and Amryn follow in hot pursuit.

"I'm going, I'm going!" I laugh, freeing myself from her grip.

"Hurry up, sis." Amryn says, pushing me to the bathroom. I laugh, closing the door. I look up at myself, up at the mirror.

"October 4th, 2021." I look up at my reflection. "Let's make it the best night of our lives and hopefully... a new chapter to my oldest and favorite friendship."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(Jayson's Perspective)

"JT!" Jaylen grabs me by the shoulders, jumping on my back. I lurch forward, not expecting him to jump on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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