Forever Us

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(A/N: Hey, it's your hype girl again. I know, it's been quite a while since I last updated. Sorry on the delays and making you guys [who actually enjoy this] wait. For this particular chapter, Jay & Dani have wind down from the excitement of draft night. In a way, it's a continuation part of  'Promises', so there's a little pause in between. But regardless, hopefully you remember that chapter. Things are about to get even more interesting, especially with all the tension between the two. Let's just say things get a bit more spicy 👀 there were so many ideas on how I wanted to go about with this chapter. But, I did have a couple friends telling me to make it juicy, so I tried here. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy(?) this & stay safe. I'm always here to talk, don't you ever forget. I love y'all & happy reading <333!!!)


(My Perspective)

"Stop... shi-" I semi-yell out loud, "Jayson!"

"Yes?" He comes out from the bathroom and looks for me, before rushing over. "Danielle, what the hell? Are you okay, what happened?"

"Mmm... I cut it way too close to the leg of the bed, my foot." I groan again in pain, trying to push myself up from my stomach.

"Nope, don't even try anything. I got you." I feel Jayson step around, so he's hovering on top of me, grabbing me by the waist and slowly pulling me up from behind. He grabs my right arm and dangles it across the back of his shoulders. Slowly, we make our way back to the bed and he pushes me as far back as he can, standing at the foot of the bed. Then, he lifts my legs, placing them on his lap, as he examines my left one, the one I hit. He starts moving it in different positions, asking if it hurts every time he moves it a certain way. I shake my head each time, "Okay... hmm, maybe just put ice or cold water when you shower. You feel throbbing, huh?" I nod in awe, agreeing with everything he says.

"You actually..." I trail, looking at him with shock. Awww, Jay, I can't believe it.

"Of course, I did." He winks at me, "Why do you think I've been healthy, for the most part?"

Chuckling at those last four words, I reply, "I didn't think you would remember."

"Well, thanks to you, I've been healthy, which plays a major factor in where I'm at now."

"You gotta stop giving me so much credit, JT." I shake my head, as I start to get back up.

"I'm just giving it where it's due." He stares at me, but with a different type of gaze. One that's asking for me... a hungry and desperate one. Next thing I know, he pulls me into him and wraps his arms around me again from the back and squeezes my waist gently, giving me another hug, as he leans into me. I sink into his chest and laugh, feeling his warm breath against my neck, as we remain sitting at the edge of the bed. "You know it's true." He whispers in a lower voice than usual and moves closer to where our skins touch. This next part I didn't see coming and consequently, my reaction gives myself away.

Jayson starts to press his lips against my neck and my breath hitches and I tense up. "Relax, Danielle, I know what I'm doing. You trust me, right?" I'm slowly able to muster a simple nod, even though I'm still in shock. I lie deeper into him, as he continues to make his way down my jawline.

Shit. A satisfied moan escapes my lips, as he reaches my sweet spot, gently biting me, along my collar bone. He pauses and looks at me, locking in with my eyes, 'Gotcha', his eyes read. He runs his fingers along my neck, giving me chills, up and down my spine. "Remember what I said, baby girl." Jayson whispers again in a deep voice. The hairs on my next stand up, hearing his new, deeper and sexier voice. Damn, you have more turn ons than I thought. I slowly sink into him again, but this time, make a daring move of my own. Two can play this game. I press up against Jayson and get a feel for him. He chuckles, "Okay, beautiful, you wanna play? Let's do it." Before we continue, I get up. "What the hell, you're gonna leave me like this?" You are so easy to tease, sometimes, Jayson.

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