Chapter 2- Tenya Iida

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"Are you ready?" Nezu, who was the head of housekeeping asked as he took a sip of his lavender tea.

With nothing, but uncertainty in him, Izuku nodded his head, feeling like a sacrifice to some kind of monsters rather than a babysitter.

When the doors finally opened, the green haired boy finally got a good idea of how rich the 'children' he's babysitting are.

Just the door alone looked like it costs thousands, if not, millions of dollars.

As soon as he entered he immediately entered caution mode. There was a lot of vases and fancy decorations that he for sure wouldn't want to break and pay for, already assuming it was all worth millions, which was a safe move.

"The young masters are all either asleep or in their rooms. And while we are unaware of what they're currently doing, let me show you around the place." Nezu put down his cup of tea in a nearby table, before signalling for Izuku to follow him.

It took quite longer than expected, but they soon reached, yet another door.

"This here is the library. Its where the young masters go to when they need to study, but sometimes they just stay in their rooms. Its usually just Hitoshi though. He doesn't really like people." Nezu explained, in which Izuku was quick to make a mental note not to be around Shinso too much.

Time Skip

After the tour, Izuku was able to realize a few things. One: he'd probably get lost a lot, even just in the living room. Two: the people he's looking after are 'rich' rich, each and everyone of them had a masters bedroom, and the guest rooms were just..... wow.

Another thing he realized was Nezu wasn't wearing some mascot costume or something.

He's an actual mouse.

Which Izuku admits he find a little weird, but adorable at the same time.

He hasn't met any of the boys yet, but unlike Nemura, Nezu was kind enough to provide him with information that wasn't sugargoated, and keys for the others rooms, which he all had already visited, and their doors were.........interesting.

He checks the clock and notices that its almost lunch time. The designated time for him to meet the cousins. Izuku was actually excited despite the warnings some of the housekeepers gave him.

He was gonna meet people his age, meaning they could be friends, or at least he hopes they can be.

Minutes have passed and it was already time for lunch, yet none of them have showed up.

Are they still sleeping?

Nezu told him about how all of them loved sleeping in. But what the heck? Aren't they hungry? Its already past twelve.

Izuku decided to wait a few more minutes, and when there was still no one he decided to wake them up himself.

Picking up the keys from the rather long kitchen table, he made his way up the stairs,  which he found a lil too much for him.

He had low stamina, and was the type to get tired after just a few minutes of doing any physical activities, he believes its his reason for hating P.E.

The only physical exercise he's okay with is walking, although most of the time he debates whether its a valid exercise or just an excuse for him to avoid calling himself lazy.

Izukus hands was on his knees as he tried to catch his breath, he finally reached up the stairs.

"Stupid stairs." He muttered under his breath, lightly kicking the last step of the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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