Chapter 49: Sartorius Appears! The Tarot Deck of Destiny!

Start from the beginning

Alexis: Syrus is in worst shape that Jaden. Alexis and Chazz look at Syrus, who began sobbing.

Syrus: Jaden! I'm nothing without you! He shouted.

Haru: I get how you feel, Sy, but do you have to be so dramatic about it? It's sad just watching you.

After class was over, Haru left to go find Jaden. Luckily, he knew just where to find him.

Jaden: 'Three days since I lost to Aster. And I still can't see my cards.' Jaden looked up to the sky and could've he saw Winged Kuriboh. Kuriboh? That you? Hello? He said. Jaden then took out his cards, but they were still blank.

After his battle with Aster, Jaden claimed to not be able to see his cards. He was checked out by Miss Fontaine and came back healthy, but the duel must have had some kind of effect on Jaden.

Chazz: Quit mopping already! Chazz shouted.

Jaden: Chazz? What are you doing here? He asked.

Chazz: I came out here to think, alright? Besides, I was sick of hearing everyone go on and on about how much their worried about you. Everywhere I go, It's always Jaden, Jaden, Jaden! Uh, anyway, is it true you can't talk to your monsters anymore?

Jaden: I guess?

Chazz: Grr! Snap out of it, man! And stop bumming everyone out!

Jaden: Listen Chazz, dueling is all I've ever really cared about, and now, I can't do the thing I love the most.

Chazz: I know what you need, let's duel now! That's the only way you're gonna get over this! Chazz stated. Come on, I'll even go easy on ya! Don't walk away! Let's get our game on!

Jaden: Maybe later, Chazz. Jaden somberly walks away.

Chazz: What a loser.

Elsewhere, Sartorius was looking at the cards on the table.

Sartorius: 'The Wheel of Fate. It seems Jaden is more powerful than I imagined. I foretold Aster's victory. However, Jaden's response was quite unexpected. For when I infused Aster's monsters with my own energy, Jaden's soul should have been wiped clean. Upon his defeat, Jaden was to become my eternal servant and although his spirit was weakened, he is still in control of his soul. Albeit a lost soul. And Haru.' Sartorius flips over a card. 'The Star Card. Upside down at that. It appears that Jaden's defeat had more effect on Haru then I expected. His soul is beginning to waver. But I'll tend to the matter of those two later. So while they search their hearts for answers, I'll set my sights on a new servant, perhaps one a bit more, predictable. The Fool. The Pilgrim. The Wanderer. It seems there is another duelist who shares a similar get those two. Only his soul is much weaker.

Pilot: Master Sartorius, we're approaching Duel Academy. The pilot announced.

Bonaparte: De plane, boss, de plane! Down below, Crowler and Bonaparte were rushing to the docks to meet with Sartorius.

Crowler: That must he Aster's manager. He said he'd be dropping by, bit I didn't know he meant today! I would have had my coat dry cleaned for goodness sake!

Bonaparte: And if I had known this job required so much exercise, I would have hopped on the treadmill days ago! The two run to the docks where they Sartorius' plane landing.

Bonaparte: Monsieur! Bienvenu!

Crowler: Yes, welcome!

Bonaparte: You must be starved from your trip. And I make a divine Chicken Frances.

Sartorius: Thank you, but I travel with a chef.

Crowler: Mister Sartorius, we were so pleased to hear you were coming. But if I may ask, what brings you to our Academy?

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