Chapter 22: Crunch time

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We were at the riptide gym. Blaze had gone to a tournament and we were I mean I was watching Ben and Betty until Devon was saying something about Spider-Man which started to interest me. Hey team blaze said. Hey blaze I said. Shouldn't you be in Japan Devon asked. I thought you had a karate tournament I said. Well I was on my way to the airport when I found this blaze said as he showed us some sort of wheel. What is it steel asked. Devon took it. That looks like scrozzle work Nate said. Yeah I think it's one of robo roxys memory drives blaze said. Really I said. When Roxy blew up pieces of her robot scattered everywhere the battle force clean up crew must have missed this Devon said as he handed it to Nate. I thought getting it to you guys was more important than some karate competition blaze said. Hang on that doesn't sound like blaze he was super pysched for this tournament. No one else picked up on it so I left it. You are absolutely right thanks for bringing it back blaze Devon said. Always happy to help my friends and sister at grid battle force he said. The circuit boards are still intact this might have some of roxys memory stored on it Nate said. Betty took it from Nate. So it could be valuable Betty said as she tapped it. It shocked her and she dropped it and it went towards the rock climbers. I got it Betty said as she and ben ran after it. They knocked all the rock climbers over. They got the wheel. Phew got it ben said. Hey lollygaggers why are you on the floor how do you expect to lean if you just lay around Betty said. They all got up and we ran over to them. Careful with that Nate said. Ben gave it to Nate. Thanks Nate said. What if the clean up crew missed any other pieces I said. We better check it out ravi said. I'll take the memory drive back to the lab Nate said. I'll
Come with you I said. Okay laters Devon said as we all ran out.

Me and Nate got back to the base and he hooked up the wheel with wires. Devon and steel had come back after checking for other pieces. I think I got something this is the first memory fragment I have found Nate said. So we are about to see what Roxy saw cool steel
Said. It's time to destroy humanity and take over the morphing grid scrozzle where is my mighty new gigadrone evox said. I'm still
Working on it but I swear it will be the most destructive gigadrone ever scrozzle said. Excellent evox said and they both laughed. Oh no it's like evox is preparing for a major battle I said. And he will have his own gigadrone Devon said. Devon's wrist comm beeped it was the commander. A robotron has been spotted in sector echo 7-5 she said. We are on it commander I'll tell Ravi and Zoey to meet me you and Lily keep working on Roxy's drive we need to know as much as possible come on steel Devon said. Got it I said. Me and Nate then started looking into the wheel further. Me and Nate has the fight on the screen i then saw blaze fighting them. Oh god i said. Lil Nate said. It's blaze he's fighting I said. It's okay Devon's there look Nate said as we continued working. Anything I asked. I'm working on it Nate said. You know this is nice just the two of us even if it is doing this I said. I then saw the others all crowded together and blaze having a go at cruise. I left Nate to it and i watched. He pulled Devon aside. This is a critical moment in the fight against evox and as their leader you shouldn't tolerate mistakes blaze said. But it all worked out Devon said. Look you are a great red ranger blaze said. Oh well thanks blaze Devon said. It's true you might even command all of grid battle force one day but if there is one thing I learned when training to be the red ranger is that a real leader needs to be tough especially now evox is playing for Keeps blaze said. Yeah makes sense Devon said. I switched it off. Why is blaze being such a jerk I thought. Hey lil Nate said. Yeah I asked. I was thinking you wanna go on date tonight he asked. Sure sounds great i said. The others then walked in except Devon and blaze. Where's the other two I asked. Oh training and did I mention blaze is being such a jerk Zoey said. Well you get used to it. Soon blaze and Devon walked in. Hey team Devon said. Ah just in time Zoey said. Uh i said. I asked blaze to take a lion at our plan Devon said. Oh I said as I handed them our plan. Go head Nate I said. I've completed my analysis unfortunately Roxy's drive didn't give us any additional intel apart from learning that evox is building a powerful new gigadrone so I think this plan is the best way to counter evoxs attack we will need a lot of morph x but we will be well defended Nate said. Looks good Ravi said. Thanks Nate said. Hm I don't know it just seems so complex I have a better idea what if we trap evoxs giagdrone in a zord hangar once he tried to escape we use the mega transporters to teleport him straight into a secure prison cell on the base blaze. Trap him in the base yeah that might work devon said. Have you gone mental I said. Evoxs gigadrone in one of our hangars we would have to get our megazord in there too nate said. It can be done trust me your special ops hangar is empty right blaze said. I'm not sure fighting a gigadrone up close in a hangar sounds quite dangerous especially for us beast bots cruise said. Very dangerous actually smash said. And it's risky to have evox inside our base isn't it cruise said. I don't think you should be commenting on my plan if you can't even find your way to a fight blaze said. Blaze i said. That's enough the commander said. I think blazes plan is solid Devon said. Well you are the leader Devon it's your call Nate said. Evox is coming it's crunch time we gotta be bold think outside the box I say we do it devon said. Great call blaze said. Please excuse me cruise said and walked out. Blaze you can't treat cruise like that it's mean I said. Yeah take it down a notch or two Ravi said. Okay okay I'm sorry I hurt his feelings but I have one goal in mind destroying evox and saving this city period blaze said. Hey we all have the same goal I said. Guys we are wasting precious time let's get on with blazes plan we need that prison cell built before evox attacks right commander Devon said. It is bold let's hope it works get busy everyone the commander said. We then all got to work. Zoey caught me. What's up I asked. Why is blaze being such a jerk Zoey asked. I don't know your guess is as good as mine i said. Well he's turning Devon into this nasty horrible person Zoey said. Trust me I know I'm gonna talk to blaze don't worry I said. We got to work. I pulled blaze aside. What's wrong Lily he asked. What is wrong with you why are you being such a jerk I asked. What do you mean he asked. Well the way you treated cruise was just wrong and you are turning Devon against him as well i said. Hey guys we are ready Nate said. We then went to the zord hangar. There we saw ben and Betty in trouble. What happened I asked. We uh checked it out betty said. It's very secure ben said. They then both walked out. Well at least the force field works blaze said. This is guys evoxs gigadrone has been detected let's get to the zords Devon said. We then all morphed. Ready team Devon asked. We got this I said. We then all ran out. We then got in our megazords. Nate and steel combined their megazords and me Ravi Zoey and Devon all combined ours. Look there it is i said. We then saw evoxs gigadrone come out of the sky. It shined really bright. Argh devon said. What kind of gigadrone is that Ravi asked. It then transformed and we saw it more clearly. You are in my crosshairs now rangers time to meet your destiny this will be your room rangers he said blasting our megazords. We gotta move fast Nate said. Roger Devin said. We then avoided his blasts. Cruise Devon asked. Hangar doors are opening now he said. We then tried to fight him off. Get ready the gigadrone is almost in position i said. Your efforts are futile I'm sending your zords to the junkyard along with you evoxs said. Now devon said. Nate and steel then got behind him and surprised him. Crane crash they said as attacked him. He then fell into the hanger. The gigadrone exploded. Rangers evox is in the hangar dont let him escape the commander said. Let's secure the gigadrone Devon said. We will follow your lead Nate said. We then got in the hangar with evox. We are too close to attack cruise said. We have to Devon said. Well if you say so I said as we attacked him. We pushed him up against the wall. I'll tear this place down he said. He then attacked the hangar. He's trying to destroy the hangar Zoey said. What do we do Ravi asked. We just gotta hold on devon said. But it's not safe for us smash said. It's too dangerous Jax said. Enough of this it's time to crush you all he said and pushed us off and they blasted us. You can't beat my gigadrone he said. We then went back for him again. My systems are starting to fail cruise said. Beast x king zord come and help right now devon said as it came. Hurry devon cruise said. I'm trying devon said as we all struggled. Come on Nate said. He then blasted us again. Guys cruise is in bad shape I've gotta bring in the cheetah beast blaster and finish things now devon said. No devon Ravi said. My sensors show the gigadrone is heating up it's about to blow I said. His gigadrone then exploded. Guys cover us devon said as he held cruise. Got it keep your eyes peeled everyone Nate said. I then went to devon and cruise. Here you buddy devon said as he laid him down. Are you okay cruise I asked. My systems took heavy damage cruise said. This is my fault you tried to warn me that fighting up close in the hangar was too dangerous but I was too busy listening to blaze about how to lead the team devon said. You did you best devon I said. She's right cruise said. I'm so sorry devon said as some people came and took cruise. We gotta keep sharp evox is still somewhere in this mess steel said. You are gonna be okay cruise I promise I'll make sure of it devon said as he got taken off. Over there Ravi said. We then saw him coming out of the rubble. Weapons up devon said as we did what we were told. You will pay for destroying my omegadrone he said coming towards us. Weapons fire devon said as he blasted him. Surprisingly it worked and he got knocked to the ground. Transport them now devon said. Wait what is this he asked as the mega transporters appeared. We then activated them. He then teleported away. I think we got him Zoey said. It worked I said. We all then cheered. I can't believe it Ravi said. We did it steel said. Devon and Zoey hugged while me and Nate hugged.

Later on:
We went to the base and saw evox in the force field. Amazing evox is this close to us but he can't do a thing Ravi said. Yep everything worked perfectly nate said. Corse it worked it was my plan blaze said. The commander devon and cruise all walked in. Congratulations not only did you stop evoxs assault but you have captured the biggest threat to the city the world and more importantly the morphing grid the commander said. Yeah nice job you guys you all did great except for Tin can man over here who can't stop crying about his battle wounds blaze said. Excuse me I only got wounded because of your plan cruise said. Hello you are a robot Nate can just bend you back into shape blaze said. What is wrong with you i said. What he said. You have been nothing but a jerk all day I don't even recognise my brother right now I said. Lilys right and you know what needs to bend back into shape devon said. Your attitude seriously the way you have been treating people I said. Especially cruise it's not cool cruise is more than just a beast bit he's my friend and a part of our team devon said. Thanks devon cruise said. I wanna apologise to all of you I was convinced that blaze was right that being tough on our team would get better results but that's wrong we are a strong because of our friendship and our friendship is exactly why I should have stood up for you cruise devon said. It's okay I forgive you cruise said. Thanks buddy you are the best devon said. Aw now that is sweet and I guess I should apologise for coming up with the plan that will finally defeat your worst enemy blaze said. Blaze dude you are not cool i said. My phone then started beeping. My screen came up with blaze. Huh i said. Konnichiwa hey you guys check it out I won my karate match blaze said. Blaze i said. I stepped back from the other blaze and the others looked at my phone. Ravi then pulled off his bandage and saw wires. Told ya it was just a scratch he said and he teleported away. Whoa steel said. We got played Ravi said. No wonder blaze was such a jerk it wasn't the real blaze I said. Wait if all of this was his plan then evox must have wanted to be captured Nate said. But why devon asked. We all stared at him.

Later on:
Hey you okay nate asked. What yeah I'm fine I said. You checked in with blaze he asked. Yeah I did I just I can't believe that I thought it was blaze I mean I had my suspicions when he started acting like a jerk towards cruise but I said. Don't blame yourself we will figure out what their plan is it will be okay nate said as he hugged and kissed me.

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