Chapter 2: Save our shores

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I was meeting the others at riptide gym today. I haven't heard anything from blaze since he left me that voicemail I still haven't told the others about it but Devon has asked me where blaze was and I had to lie to him. But I'm going to own up and tell the truth today. I walked into riptide gym and saw the others. Hey guys I said. Hey lil Devon said. Hey where blaze Ravi said. He's busy with something I said. Wasn't he supposed to be teaching karate zoey asked. Yeah he cancelled it I said. Are you Nate asked. Yeah I'm fine I said. Where's Roxy Devon Asked. Still at her new job I guess Ravi said. What new job steel asked. She didn't tell you Ravi said. Nope I said. Her aunt has this huge company and hooked her up I think it's called Collins something Ravi said. Uh could you mean Collins industries steel said as he looked at the screen. I wasn't really paying attention I was so worried about that voice mail I zoned out until I heard zoey say something. That looks really bad zoey said. We gotta go help Devon said. They all got up. Hey you coming Nate asked. Nah I'm just gonna stay here. Right what's up he asked. Nothing I said. Lil I know you somethings bothering you Nate said. Fine blaze left me this voice mail yesterday he left for Australia I said. Oh my god lily that's horrible Nate said. Hey you guys coming Devon asked. Yeah just give us a minute we will meet you there Nate said. Look I'm sorry I didn't say anything but he's gone and all the lies I've made up is because I don't have the guts to stand up and just say it I said. Look just tell them when you are ready now let's go he said. We got to the beach and saw how bad the trash spill was. I then saw Ben betty with a lot of trash all over them. What happened Nate asked. Oh they thought glue was sun cream and put it all over them Devon said. Hey you okay zoey asked. Yeah I'll tell you later I said. We caries on picking up trash until a girl came running up. Roxy we have a problem there is a sea turtle back there it's in bad shape she said. What show me Roxy said as she and the other girl ran after it. We all followed. Oh no steel said. Poor little guy I said crouching down beside it alone with zoey and Nate. Bad shape is an understatement zoey said. Turtles can easily swallow bits of trash Nate said. What do we do Ravi asked. Have you guys heard of coral harbour marine center that was my summer job before I joined gridbattle force zoey said. They rescue injured sea animals I said. Let's get that turtle over there fast Devon said. Ravi and the girl picked up the turtle and began taking it. Roxy hold on I said. This trash spill is huge zoey said. It won't just be that turtle this beach is a breeding ground for dozens of species a lot more sea creatures could be hurt Nate said. Okay don't worry we will find and save every one of them I promise Roxy said. All right let's go I said as we all ran to the marine center.

In the marine center:
All these animals came from the trash spill zoey said. It's started off with one turtle but the problem is a lot bigger than we thought I said. Thanks for helping Dr Walsh Devon said. That's why we are here this way please he said to some other people. We will do everything we can until their environment is cleaned up but this place is run by volunteers and donations we are going to need money for food and medicine dr Walsh said. I'm sure that won't be a problem my aunt put me in charge of taking care of everything I'll just let her know about the animals Roxy said. I'll come with you zoey said. Me too I said. Thanks dr Walsh said as he headed inside as we went to see roxys aunt. The marine center wants to help zoey said. But medical care is expensive I said. Collins industries will cover it right Roxy asked. But we are already paying to clean up the beach she said. Yes but it's Roxy started. Roxy a bunch of salty sea creatures is not our problem she said. Mrs Collins I volunteered at the rescue center and I've seen what happens with trash in the ocean these animals are in trouble zoey said. And they will die if we dont help them I said. Being a good business is like being a good citizen you have to take responsibility for your mistakes zoey said. Those animals could have already been sick we can't take care of ever sick animal in the ocean or we would be bankrupt she said. She looked at her watch. Now I'm late I'll think about she said as she walked off. I scoffed. She's not going to think about it her answer is no I said. She's not a bad person Roxy said. She just doesn't believe that it's her responsibility and there's no time to convince her zoey said. I'll be right back Roxy said as we all nodded she walked off. She then came back a few minutes after. You okay I asked. Don't worry about your aunt we will find a way to zoey started but then a cage went around Roxy. Woah watch out I said as zoey and I jumped out of the way. What in the Roxy said. Zoey the called the others as a robotron appeared. Guys we need backup she said. A teen behind bars hold on scrozzle said there was supposed to be two teens he said. He then blasted zoey and I. Zoey lily Roxy said. What do you want zoey asked as we struggled to get up. How about we have a little cage fight he said. We both got up. Back off Ravi said. Then the others came as they blasted the robotron. You okay Devon asked. Yeah I said. But that creep just trapped Roxy in some sort of cage zoey said. And they would have been after blaze if he was here I said. I'll try and get her out you guys go Nate said. Hang on I'll come to I said as I ran over to the cage with Nate. Can you get me out of here Roxy said. Hold on I said. Working on it nate said. We tried figuring out how to get them out. Scrozzle I said. We all turned around and saw him. What Nate said. Don't mind me he said and disappeared. I think he scanned me Roxy said. Don't worry we will get you out of here soon Nate said. what if they got to blaze I said. Don't worry lily you said blaze went to Australia didn't you he's safe Roxy said. I hope so I just want him to come back I said. Hang on how's you know Nate asked. I told her I said. Ravi we need your gorilla strength Nate said to Ravi over the communicator. Soon Ravi came. He then let Roxy out. Roxy then hugged him. Thank you Ravi she said. Glad you are okay Ravi said. Scrozzle scanned her Nate said. Who knows why I said. We will have to be on high alert Ravi said. We were back at the rescue center and blaze came. Blaze I said as I hugged him. Hey he said. What the hell you just left I said. I'm sorry he said. Why did you come back in your message it said that you couldn't deal with aunt crystals death I said. Scrozzle came to me at the airport he scanned me I said. Just like Roxy I said. So it's all taken care of steel asked. Yeah the animals are gonna be okay Collins industries agreed to pay for everything Devon said. I can't believe Regina changed her mind I said. Yeah she seemed pretty dead at against paying zoey said. Well she did the right think steel said. We all saw Roxy. Hey your aunt came through zoey said. Yeah she did Roxy said. Out of my way it's very Important I wanna speak to the person on charge right now Regina said. That would be me I'm dr Walsh he said. I'm Regina Collins Regina said. Yeah I recongnise you from the news I want to thank you for agreeing to pay to take care of these animals dr Walsh said. That's the thing doctor I didn't agree to any such thing Regina said. Well someone form Collins industries called dr Walsh said. That was me I authorized the donation Roxy said. What why would you do that she asked. Because what zoey and Lily said earlier is true we each need to take responsibility for our mistakes out trash spill injured theses poor animals Roxy said. Now Roxy you can't be sure of that fish and turtles get sick every day it's no ones fault Regina said. But Roxy started. Doctor we found one more sea turtle at the trash spill a girl said as they all walked off but I stayed put. Hey blaze said. I don't get blaze i don't get why you changed your mind your message sounded pretty sincere I said. I was thinking straight but now I am blaze said. If scrozzle hadnt scanned you would you be here right now I said. Well no blaze said. I walked away from him Devons communicator beeped. Mrs Collins let's us show you some more of the critters you helped saved blaze said. Sure she said. What's up i asked. We gotta go Devon said. Wait lil you stay here Nate said. Why I asked. Remember one fight a day Nate said. But I said. Lil you have never protested before why now Devon asked. Nothing I said. Let's go Devon said.

Later on after the rescue center. We were all at gridbattle force after learning that the reason that scrozzle scanned them was to make the avatars. Hey what's been going on with you today Ravi asked. Nothing I said. Lil you don't have to be emabarasssed Nate said. I told you I said. You know what's up with her Devon said. Yes but she asked me not to say anything and I respected that Nate said. Listen blaze left to go to Australia yesterday and that's why I was so upset once I took the voice mail and the only reason he came back was because scrozzle scanned him he even admitted that he wouldn't have come back if scrozzle hadn't of scanned him I said. Woah Devon said. Then blaze came up. Hey lil can we talk please he asked. Sighed before nodding. I will catch you guys later I said. We walked away from the others. Look I know me leaving probably want the best choice in the world after everything that had happened last year with evox me being asleep you fighting something that looked like me blaze said. Look I get that aunt crystals death was a shock and that we have no family left but you can't just leave without saying goodbye to my face I said. I know and I'm sorry I love you lil and I'm never going to leave again blaze said. Okay I forgive you I said as we laughed and hugged.

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