Chapter 10: The evox snare

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I was working with Nate. Zoey Ravi and Devon walked in. Zoey and Devon were holding hands. I smiled. Now that Nate and I are together they can be as well I thought. For months evox has been using the mayors body to appear human but we know that human DNA corrupts his virus by my calculations such a lengthy exposure has made him very dependent on morph x to survive he will need lots of it Nate said. When he realizes that the city's supplies are going away he will get desperate we think he will show up in person I said. And that's when we hit him and two him with this a hyper freeze arrow check it out steel said showing them. It's a tricky shot but I've made a new weapon formation the beast x ultra cannon it's perfect to shoot the arrow at evox Nate said. Whoa ultra blasted and king ultra bow combined Devon said. Ben betty being in the target I said. I then lifted up the bow. All right lily we are rest when you are Ben said. Thanks guys okay I said. I then fired it at the target and it was then frozen. Whoa Betty said. Pretty impressive huh and thanks to my genius brother it's hard as diamond no way out steel said. Nice work guys Ravi said. You mean our dads wedding tuxedo is stuck in there betty said. That is your dads tux Nate said. Bad idea huh betty said. Yikes we have to get it out ben said. Oh betty said as she grabbed a road worker thing that's drills into roads. Perfect ben said. It's not gonna break Nate said. Hm we will see about that crack that baby wide open Benny boy betty said. He then switched it on and as we predicted it didn't break the ice instead it drilled a hole in the floor and ben went with it. Ben don't panic I'll you get you out of there in a jiffy no pro betty said as she fell in there with ben. You guys okay I asked. We are okay no problem they both said. So after we freeze evox how do we separate him and my dad Devon asked. I uh haven't figured that part out yet Nate said. Devon right now our first concern is to stop evox after we have done that he will remain frozen until Nate can find a safe way to save your dad the commander said. And how long will it take to find a safe way to save my dad he asked. I don't know it's difficult to do it could take a long time nate said. My dad could be frozen forever Devon said. I didnt say forever Nate said. You might as well have that's not gonna happen Devon said. Hey I've been working around the clock to find a way to stop evox but there is only so much I can do Nate said. There has to be another way and if you won't find it I will Devon said. Devon hold on I said. Why aren't you defending him he's like a dad to you as well devon said. Devon I said. He walked off. Devon zoey said going after him. Nate the hyper freeze arrow is good work get the decoy truck rest to deploy the commander said as Ravi ran out. I'm working in a way to combine just the wheeler and lion zord with the beats x King zord we may need it Nate said. Good stay alert everyone the commander said and walked out. I put my hand in antes shoulder as he looked at me. I left Nate to help Ravi. We then saw Devon looking for a way. Hi Ravi hi lily crusie said. Hey find anything Ravi asked as we both sat on the desk. Maybe there was a black ranger once in another dimension he was slowly turning into an evil cyborg their lead scientist found a way to stop the process her name was doctor k Devon said as he handed us a folder then showed us a picture of the rpm rangers and doctor k. Great Ravi said. Then you need to speak to her I said as we went round to where Devon was. I've tried but she's only been heard from a couple of times over the past decade so far no response Devon said as Ravi and I looked at each other. Look if doctor k can't  help I started. We don't have a choice we have to try and freeze evox Ravi said. Yeah I know Devon said. We put our hands on his shoulders. Ravis wrist comm beeped. Go head Ravi said. The decoy is moving out it's game time rangers the commander said. We all looked at each other as we ran out. We arrived and saw a robotron. Hold it Devon said as we ran up to see the robotron. You twerps are no Match for bulldozertron he said. Bull dozer eh we are about to bury you it's morphing time Devon said. Activate beast power ha we all said. We then morphed. Unleash the beast we all said. Transport beast x saber me Ravi zoey and Devon said. That won't stop me he said as he charges towards us. Beast x cannon ready beast blast we said. We then fired at the robotron and he went flying. Get him Ravi said as we ran towards him again. You are gonna regret messing with me he said. We then began fighting him. Nate and I stopped as the others keep going and we saw blaze Roxy and Tronics appear. Take the morph x she said. Lily it's blaze and Roxy Nate said. I see them I said. We then began attacking them. That morph x isn't going anywhere I said. Actually it is Roxy said as they turned into their fighting mode. Try and stop us blaze said. With pleasure I said. We then began attacking them. Nate then went for the Tronics to stop them from stealing the morph x. I was now fighting Tronics and blaze at the same time. I know you don't have a liscence I said as I flipped a Tronic out. Blaze then came and started attacking me along with the Tronics. Great I said. I was still fighting blaze. Hands off he said as he attacked me. Al three of us fell to the ground. Should have minded your buisness Roxy said as they all got in the truck. No we can't let them take the morph x Nate said. Nate, steel lily you guys okay Ravi asked. We are fine but they are getting away I said a she helped us up. Better luck next time rangers Roxy said as they were taking the truck. Not on our watch steel said as he blasted the truck with the Tronics and Roxy and blaze. The tanker Nate said. Yeah steel said. Did you really have to blow up a perfectly good truck Devon asked. It was necessary to take out blaze and Roxy steel said. Commander I said. She got out of the car. Blaze and Roxy are eliminated Nate said. Good work rangers but I have bad news she said. Huh devon said. Tower five had a system failure we cannot drain it the commander said. Then we got to protect it Nate said. That will draw too much attention we will leva sit unguarded evox will think it's empty like all the others the commander said. He will never suspect it's actually full of morph x I said. Correct I want each of you the commander started as zoey came running up. Hey guys good news scrozzle took the bait book line and sinker zoey said. Then evox is in for a big surprise Nate said. The commanders wrist comm beeped. Go ahead she said. We have detected an incoming gigadrone it's headed for tower number five the girl said. Right on time deploy the rangers zords apart from Lily's she said. Wait there is something else we have received a strange message we think it might be trans dimensional from someone called Doctor k the girl said. Doctor k she responded Devon said. Mum the four of us can handle the gigadrone Devon needs to take that call it's important lily can go with him Ravi said. Okay Devon lily back to the base use Nates new zord combination wipe out that
fast the commander said. Yes ma'am Ravi said. Nate come back to the base complete the second hyper freeze arrow to use on evox for when he attacks tower five she said. On it Nate said. Move out the commander said. Let's go zoey said as her Ravi and steel went off as Nate Devon and I headed to base.

Devon and I were back were we were before. We were speaking to doctor k. Over the course of months human biorhythms and anatomy were metamorphosed into robotic structures with electronic impulses doctor k said. What I said. I'm sorry doctor k but we have no idea what you are talking about Devon said. What I'm saying is what happened to ranger black is very different to what's happened to your father I'm sorry none of my technology can help you she said. I put my hand on Devons shoulder. Please he's my dad there must be something you can Devon said as he trailed off. I looked at doctor k sympathetically. She sighed. A few years ago I read something a ranger named zenowing was trapped in the body of the evil doom wing to separate them his team developed devices called split emitters she said. Split emitters Devon said. I think Nate has them I said. Tell us more Devon said. Once doctor k had told us about the split emitters we went to find the others. They were preparing the hyper freeze arrow. We entered as the others looked at us. Oh perfect timing that gigadrone is toast so the only way that evox is gonna get morph x from tower five is to do it himself zoey said. When he shows up we will be waiting she added. Unless you found another way Ravi said looking at us. I'm working on it and Lils helping me Nate you have old ranger tech in your vault right Devon said. I used it as a basis for developing a lot of our technology Nate said. We are looking for something called split emitters I said. Split emitters yeah they should be In there somewhere but honestly I have no idea what they do Nate said. Dr k thinks they might be able to split my dad from evox Devon said. Really Nate said. The monitor then beeped. Rangers what's your status why haven't you left for tower 5 you need to go now the commander said. We are leaving Ravi said. They all started to leave I couldn't go anyway. Devon are you coming zoey asked. Well I Devon started. We can handle the ambush if you do find those split emitters they will probably be dead after all this time here this might power them up Nate said giving him morph x. Thanks Nate Devon said. Let's go Nate said as they ran out. Need a hand I asked. What else would you do he asked. I smiled. Come on let's find the split emitters I said. We walked into the ranger vault. Wow there is a lot of ranger tech in here I said. Any idea what they look like Devon said. Me I'm just helping I said. Not helpful Devon said. Cool old ranger stuff I said. This old ranger stuff might just save my dad Devon said. I know I said. Come on come on I said. Where are you Devon said. Split split emitters found them I said. Devon ran over. That's it Devon said. I picked up one case and Devon picked up the other. Each split emitters produces one beam the theory is when four beams cross they can separate my dad and evox Devon said. I know I heard it I said. Shut up Devon said. But they are probably dead I said. So I want you to charge them up all of the split emitters with this morph x Devon said. He handed it to me. Okay I said. You heard what doctor k said lil I need you to do this it could save my dad and your father figure Devon said. I nodded. I'll do it go I said. I watched as Devon stopped evox and how the others were telling him not to do it. I finished filling up the split emitters. I watched as Devon and the mayor were talking I saw that he was trying to get Devon to get out of the way. Just as he was about to get into the tower I called Devon. They are ready I said. Transport he said as the call ended I watched closely. I saw something happen. I think it's working I said. Really Ben said. They then split apart. Yes I said. I waited for them to come back. Lily he said. Hi Adam I said. Come here he said as I hugged him. Citizens of coral harbor we have began re energiszing the towers rest assured the morph x network is once again safe and the power rangers will make sure it stays that way the commander said. Communication ended a girl said. The last tower is filling with morph x I said. We did fun traces of the evox virus but the system is clear now Nate said. Do you remember anything about evox what he did maybe what's he's planning to do in the future the commander asked. My last clear memory was we just escaped the cyber dimension there was an explosion and later there was something wrong with my hand after that it's all a blur until the moment you saved me the mayor said. Actually our plan was a faliure the only reason you are standing here right now is because of Devon and lily you guys never gave up on saving him Nate said. Well you did save me from the cyber dimension so now we are even Devon said. Let's just hope neither of us has to save the other ever again he said as they side hugged. Hey what happened to the split emitters zoey asked. I shrugged.

We then got to the zord bay to see Ben betty and the general in a right mess. Have I been promoted Ben said as we all laughed.

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