My sister slapped me and I was suddenly back at Magnussen's place again. I saw Mary pointing a gun at Magnussen's head. Molly spoke this time, saying, "She said, focus!" Ale slapped me once again.

Now I was in the lab looking at my dead body on the table. Molly continued, "It's all well and clever having a mind palace but you've only got three seconds of consciousness left to use it. So come on, what's going to kill you?"

I looked at my dead self and said, "Blood loss."

Alebony replied, "Exactly. So, it's all about one thing now, forwards or backwards. We need to decide which way you're going to fall." I was back at Magnussen's again.

"One hole or two?" Now Anderson was here.

"Sorry?" I said, turning to look at him.

Molly answered, "Is the bullet still inside you or is there an exit wound? It will depend on the gun."

I started analyzing guns in my head. "That one, I think," I said, picturing Mary's gun and comparing it to a type of gun. "Or that one," I continued, picturing a different type of gun.

"Oh, for God's sake, Sherlock, it doesn't matter about the gun, don't be stupid." I turned to see Mycroft, sitting at a desk. "You always were so stupid," he continued, as I saw my younger self, "Such a disappointment."

"I'm not stupid," younger me said.

"You're a very stupid little boy," Mycroft said angrily, "Mummy and Daddy are very cross, because it doesn't matter about the gun."

Younger me was angry, too. "Why not?"

Now a young Alebony was there, she said, "You saw the whole room when you entered it. What was directly behind you when you were murdered?"

"Not been murdered yet," younger me said.

"Balance of probability, little brother," Mycroft answered. I was my regular age again, and I turned around to see...a mirror. "If the bullet had passed through you, what would you have heard?" Mycroft was still talking.

"The mirror shattering," I said.

Mycroft responded, "You didn't, therefore..."

I turned to walk past Mycroft, saying, "The bullet's still inside me."

Anderson spoke up, "So we need to take him down backwards."

Molly replied quickly, "I agree. Sherlock, you need to fall on your back."

Anderson spoke again. "Right now the bullet is the cork in a bottle."

Alebony now, "The bullet itself is blocking most of the blood flow."

Anderson, "But any pressure or impact on the entrance wound could dislodge it."

I was standing completely still as the three of them walked around me.

Molly continued, "Plus, on your back, gravity is working for us. Fall now!"

The whole world tilted as I started falling backwards.

Then I was in the lab again, still falling. I fell against a wall that had the cabinet things that dead bodies are stored in. One of the cabinets opened and my dead self came out, as I exclaimed, "What is that? What's happening?" I looked and saw the dead me come out. I was a bit freaked out.

I turned to see Molly. She said, "You're going into shock. It's the next thing that's going to kill you."

I asked, "What do I do?"

Alebony HolmesWhere stories live. Discover now