Chapter 30~ Home

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Sebastian's POV (SUPRISE!!!)

"Okay! We have four different movies to chose from" I exclaim, as I slide them towards Clary.

She raises her eyebrows at me. "Transforms all the way! Duhhhh"

I chuckle, and slide the disc in the DVD.

I follow her to the sofa, and cuddle down next to her. She leans against me, and I wrap my arm around her waist.

I've always loved her petite figure, I thought it made her seem more cute and adorable.

We were half way through the movie, and I still haven't stopped looking at her yet.

God, she was so beautiful.

Jesus! You sound like a girl!

Suddenly, she grabs the remote and turns the tv off.

"I need to tell you something." She says, turning to face me.

"Okay. Shoot" I smirk.

"I-I'm just not so sure about this." she says, signalling between us.


I scrunch up my brows. "What are you saying?"

She signs. "It's just that I lost my family and friends...beacuse they thought we were having an...affair an-"

I cut her off. "Well, we just kissed a couple of times, I wouldn't call that an affair."

She gives me the 'shut the fuck up and let me speak' face.

"Just saying." I chuckle.

"What if they never talk to me again?" She says, while biting her lip. "What if they never look at me the same?"

By now her eyes were starting to tear up. I pull her close to me, and begin to rub her back, trying my best to sooth her down.

I cursed myself for doing this to her. She would still have been with her friends, and family if it weren't for me.

"I'm sorry, princess" I whisper, against her hair.

"Don't be." she sniffs.

We sit there in silence, for a few minutes, until I broke it.

"You can go see them if you want." I say.

"What?" She says, pulling away from me.

"Ya. I can drop you off, and you can go talk to everyone." I suggest. "Who knows? Maybe they miss you."

She cracks a smile. "Yeah...i'd like that."

I grin. "Well, then let's go."

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