Chapter 29~ Is he worth it?

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Clary's POV

My eyes slowly flicker open, scanning the unfamiliar room.

I feel a heavy, but warm weight on the waist, so turn around to come face to face with Sebastian.

He looked hot.

His lips were parted, and there was a faint smile on his lips, plus he was SHIRTLESS!

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," says a familiar voice.

My eyes widen, as i look up to see him staring back at me, with a smirk plastered on his face.

I begin to blush.

"I-i um...i-i," i stutter.

He chuckles, and kisses my cheek.

"Come on princess," he says, getting out of bed. "Let's go eat."

I trow the sheets off me, and begin to walk to the bathroom.

"Sebastian!!" I yell.

"Yeah!" He yells from downstairs.

"Do you have an extra toothbrush!!"

"Yes! It's in the cupboard, in front of you!!" He shouts back.

"Ok! Thanks!" I yell.

I grab the toothbrush, and begin to brush my teeth. After that I brush my wild hair with his comb (I was desperate).

I raced downstairs to the kitchen- the smell of pancakes, and bacon clouding me.

I spot Sebastian behind the

He can cook?!

"Goodmorning, princess." he says, without turning around.

"Morning." i mumble.

He hands me a plate covered with eggs, pancakes, and bacon!

My mouth began to water!

"I-i didn't know you could cook." i say.

He chuckes, "People can suprise you"

I nod, and go sit at the table, and begin to stuff my face with food.

"Aren't you ganna eat?" i ask Sebastian- who was leaning on the table, staring at me with an amused expression.

"Nah, i'd rather look at you," he smirks.

I blush, and contuine to eat my breakfast. Suddenly, my phone begins to ring.

I send Sebastian an sheepish smile, and pick up the phone.

"Hello?" i say.

"Clary." says a familiar voice.

"Isabelle!" i gasp.

"Is it true?" she asks, with a shaky voice.

I suck in a breath of air.

"I-is what true?" i stutter.

"That you're Sebastian's bitch!" She yells, frustrated.

This got me mad.

"I'm not his bitch!" I growl, causing Sebastian to look at me with an curious expression.

"Everybody knows, and I mean EVERYBODY! Even Jace! Do you know how pissed he is?!"

I clench my jaw. "I. Don't. Care. You can tell Jace to shove a stick up his ass, for all I care!" I sneer, and hang up.

Tears begin to fill up my eyes, as I feel Sebastian trying to calm me down by rubbing my back.

I've lost everyone.

For Sebastian.

My mom, Luke, Simon, everyone!

Is he even worth it??

I don't even know.

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