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They didn't know for how much time they sat like that, being so close yet so far, inches apart yet separated.

"Yibo..." Sean whispered, not even knowing whether Yibo heard him or not.


"I Know that you are mad at me for so many reasons. I hid so many things from you, even hid your true identity from you. Never told you about my past, but expected you to totally submit to me. Even today, without knowing your condition, I neglected you, even scolded you for nothing.. I am a very bad lover. Isn't it.?" Sean chuckled to himself.

 He doesn't know if Yibo is hearing him or not, he just wants to pour everything out today.  The burdens he is carrying on his heart from over a century, he wants to get rid of it today. 

Yibo, sitting on the other side of the  door, covered his mouth by his palm to restrict any sobs to be heard. He vigorously nodded his head at Sean's last question, as if the elder is watching him. His eyes were pouring heavy drops of love pearls again, without him even knowing.

Sean continued.

"It's fine if you don't forgive me... but please don't stop loving me darling." Sean whispered. He waited for a response, but none of it came. So he continued. 

"Please don't be disappointed in me... Please don't give up on me. I will make everything right. Just trust me one last Time Yibo Wang... My love.. My.. Eternity." Sean's voice faltered by the end of his sentence. It felt like something is feasting on his energy, and he exactly knows what it is. He was gladly serving all of himself to the little feaster growing inside his lover's womb without even his little lover's knowledge.  

That is also one reason that he must stay with his pretty little bonded one right now, no matter if they are separated by immeasurable anger or a stubborn door, he cannot let his baby starve. 

Yibo, with every passing minute, felt more and more energized. It was a similar feeling like waking up in Sean's arms, but 10x more powerful. He was feeling powerful. Yet something felt off.

Why is Sean's voice sounding so weak? Isn't he the emperor of Purity Realm, the most powerful one in impure realm(Earth) and Pure realm? Is he faking it? Yeah.. He must be faking it.. just to get his sympathy and forgiveness. But why is he feeling uneasy even after being so refreshed and energized?

Nevertheless, he let these all thoughts slide. He should not stress. It's not good for the baby. 

He stood up from there and went towards the couch near the window. The once bright and sunny sky was filled with clouds now. Chilly winds were blowing around. something crossed his mind.

The windows of the corridor must be open. What if Sean catches cold? He was not wearing warm clothes when Yibo saw him in the living room. Should he go and check? But why should he care? Isn't he angry?

Amongst all these thoughts, he didn't know when his eyelids became heavy and he drifted into dreamland while laying on the couch.

After almost 2 hours, Yibo woke up with his brother's rushed voice.

"Your Majesty!" He heard his brother from the other side of the door.

Generally, whenever Yibo wakes up after a nap, he is sluggish and sleepy for the next one hour before fully waking up. But today it was different. He was feeling like he can move mountains right now. 

He was still in his thoughts when he heard his brother's shriek again.

"Your Majesty! What have you done?! Please wake up! No!" There was genuine pain and fear visible in Zhehan's voice even though Yibo was not able to see his face.

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