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"Yibo.. Let's get married."  Sean said with utmost sincerity, earning a stupefied expression from the younger.

"S-Sean..." Yibo whispered in shock. Sean smiled and cupped the younger's face.

"Yes Yibo. Let's get married." Sean cooed.

"Bu-But Sean, What about Aurelia?"  Yibo asked desperately. His heart was beating really fast due to the proposal.

Sean chuckled.

"Yibo, according to the laws of the Purity realm, the moment one finds their bonded one, they are free from the marital ties if they are in one. So according to it, Aurelia and I were already free from the marriage since she found and accepted Da Kun as her bonded one." Sean explained.

Yibo nodded thoughtfully. But he was still a little uneasy.

Sean understood the problem.

"Yibo. Will you visit The Purity realm with me?" Sean asked.

Yibo stared at with a confused pout.

"Is it Okay? I mean... Hoe does purity realm looks like?" Yibo asked, making the elder giggle.

"Trust me Yibo. You'll love it. It's the same as it's name. Pure and Majestic." Sean beamed proudly.

Yibo nodded bashfully.

"Hmm.. Okay then.." He slowly muttered, but it was enough for Sean to hear. 

"Really!" He exclaimed excitedly, causing  Yibo to jolt.

"Yes. But first tell brother." Yibo added, earing a pouty frown.

"Aiyaah.. It's not like you are going on a picnic in the nearby park with your friend. You are going to your own kingdom with your husband. Who dares to stop the queen?" Sean reasoned with a pout.

Yibo frowned at the elder's behavior.

"Still." He affirmed, making the elder whine.

"Ahhh.... ! Ok! I'll ask. Happy?" Sean chided to which Yibo nodded happily.

"You didn't ask your brother before getting fucked by me.?" Sean muttered under his breath with a pout, earning a frown from Yibo.

"Did you say something?" Yibo asked.

"Ah.. No-Nothing Wifey. hehe." Zhan smoothly excused.

"Oh... Okay then. I'm going to get ready." Yibo said while getting up from the bed, but the next moment he found himself floating in the air, in his to be husband's arms.

"Sean! Put me down!" He gasped in surprise.

"Nope! How can I let my empress walk on the cold floor? It would be so disrespectful of me! So let me have the honor my queen." He dramatically completed. 

Yibo just rolled his eyes in reply but let the elder pamper him. He loved it when Sean pampered him, which was almost every second of being together.

Sean carried Yibo to the bathroom where the bath was already prepared for them.

He made Yibo sit on the stool and slowly kneeled infront of him, helping the younger to take of his clothes. Once done, Sean picked Yibo again and made him sit comfortably in the hot water tub. 

Yibo was about to wash himself when he felt someone rubbing his back and shoulders.


"I can't let my queen to get tired by bathing himself. So let me have the honor My pretty little Empress." Sean replied cheekily.

"Silly." Yibo shook his head in amusement.

After done with the bath, Zhan caried Yibo back to the room and made him sit him on the bed.

The Lost Glove~ And the rightful owner (SeanBo)Where stories live. Discover now