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Yibo went inside the Hall only to find his sister searching for him. She almost tripped towards Yibo when she saw him entering the hall.

"Yibo! Where were you brother? You know I was so tensed." She said while grabbing Yibo by his shoulders.

"Sister! I was feeling suffocated in here. So I went outside to get some fresh air." Yibo lied professionally.

Lu believed her brother's words because she knows how much her brother despises proms and masquerades. So she just let it slide. But then she noticed something.

"Yibo.. Baby what happened to your neck?" Lu asked curiously when she saw a small trail of reddish-purple marks just below Yibo's earlobe. She tried to touch it but Yibo immediately slapped her palm away.

"Uh... sister.. there were mosquitoes in the garden. These are by them. hehe.." Yibo replied nervously, to which Lu just nodded in understanding.

"Oh.. Okay.." She said.

"Umm... sister, don't you think it's late now. I am really tired. I wanna go home." Yibo pouted, making Lu giggle.

"Okay.. Okay.. lets go home." She said while patting Yibo's head.


A Man was sitting on the couch, drinking wine and smiling to himself in a big living room. 

Suddenly a girl's sweet voice is heard squealing

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Suddenly a girl's sweet voice is heard squealing.

"Brother!? where are you?" The girl came hopping in the gothic style living room.

"Little brat, talk softly." The guy scolded, but his voice was filled with amusement.

The girl sat beside the guy with a bounce.

"Brother! Is what Simon told me true?" The girl asked while jumping enthusiastically.

"How would I know what that snitch told you?" the guy said, although he already knew the answer.

"That the great emperor of purity realm, punisher of the evilest of sinners, Sean Xiao.., finally found his bounded one?" The girl chirped enthusiastically, almost jumping on her brother.

"Brother tell me naaa... Do you really.. really found your bounded one?" The girl asked hopefully.

Yes, the man was none other than Sean Xiao.

He sighed before straightening up.

"I am not sure Sophia... But it feels like He is the one." Sean said dreamily while sipping from his wine glass.

"So I am gonna get a brother in law... That's even better..hihi." She giggled. Sean smiled at her while booping her nose.

"So you are already calling him your brother in law?" Sean softly chided.

"Obviously brother... I can already feel that he is the one. Because it's been years you've last smiled like this.. But why aren't you sure brother?" She pouted.

"Because I was not able to feel the eye for sinners inside him... Yet I felt some similar traces, and the bond pull." Sean frowned to himself.

"Brother.. if you felt the bond pull, then it is almost 70% sure that he is your bounded one. Talking about the eye for sinner, maybe he is just a late bloomer.?" Sophia reasoned to which Sean nodded. Bounded one or not, Sean has already decided to keep Yibo as his own.

"I see... my baby sister is getting smarter day by day.." He proudly complimented while patting his sister's head, who leaned in her brother's parental touch.

"Of course brother.. Afterall I am the the most powerful emperor's sister." Sophia stated proudly.

Suddenly Sophia tugged on Sean's shirt.

"Brother... I want to meet my brother in law.. please take me to him.." She pouted.

"Not right now Sophia. Right now we have to go back to our realm. The millennial lunar festival is arriving. And as the Emperor, I must be the part of it. And you are coming with me Princess Sophia..." He said while pulling Sophia's cheeks.

"Hmph.. So can I meet him after we return?" Sophia asked, to which Sean nodded with a gentle smile.

"Yeyy.. when are we going to return Gege?" Sophia asked excitedly.

Sean's face darkened at the question. He sighed loudly.

"To be honest.. I don't know baby.. Once we get back, their will be so many pending works to do. I have no idea till when I will be free." He sulked with a pout, Sophia joining him.

"When are we going to leave?" She asked, shoulders hung low.

"By the midnight." Zhan sighed.

Earl's Summer Villa

Yibo was sitting infront of his mirror, staring at the hickeys left by Zhan. His finger unconsciously lingered over those Purplish-red dots, while his mind replayed that scene again and again, Making him blush furiously.

'What are you doing to me Lord Xiao?' Yibo asked inwardly while smiling to himself.

After sitting there for sometime, exhaustion started taking over his body. So after one last glance at those love marks, he retired to his bed.

Time Skip
Almost an hour later

Yibo was sleeping peacefully. The curtains were fluttering in wind due to open widows. Soft light of the full moon was illuminating the whole room with a serene glow.

Suddenly, with a faint light, someone teleports inside the room.

He goes near the bed where the angel was sleeping peacefully and sat beside him, caressing the soft cheeks of the younger with his knuckles. 

Yibo leaned into the gentle touch in his sleep, making the man coo at his cuteness.

He leaned down and started leaving feather kisses all over the sleeping angel's face.

Lastly, he left a chaste kiss on those pillowy lips that he has devoured just a few hours ago, making the younger squirm in his sleep.

"Wait for me.. MY lord." The man whispered in Yibo's ear with a gentle smile before vanishing in thin air.


Hope you like this chapter...😊

Why do you think Zhan is not able to sense The eye for sinners inside Yibo, when Yibo's powers are already activated?

Please don't forget to vote and comment..🙏


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The Lost Glove~ And the rightful owner (SeanBo)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora