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Y/ns Pov
As I wake up, I hear sobbing from my grandmother's kitchen.

I get up and walk out of my mother's old room, it was right beside the kitchen, so I didn't have to walk far.

I quickly hugged my grandmother and she explained to me what happened.

I was shocked, she told me ,"Y/n, dearest, your... your parents, they drowned" she explains through sobs.

I fall to my knees and start crying, both my parents, gone, I started to get up and said ,"I should get home then, just just look after it, since, I'm the only one of my family left" I say, to my grandmother ,sobbing.

"Yo-you should dear" my grandmother said.

I changed my clothes and during it,I stopped myself from crying.

I sadly said goodbye to my grandmother and walked home, it was a ten minute walk, not to far, but enough time so I could clear my head.

As I open the door, it creaked, it was like it was haunted.

I sighed, in utter despair.
As I go to close the door, Jane walked up.

"Hey, y/n, umm I'm sorry about-" "it's fine, I guessing interrupted her, not wanting to hear their names, or else I'd cry harder.

"Roght, umm, your grandmother, can't take care of you, so you'll have to live with the next people that buy this house, that's ok with you?" She asked, I just nodded, I was underaged, I had no choice but to obey it.

"And you keep talking your beautiful way I'd speech, it's what your parents would want" she said walking off, "Oh, am... in 1 day, well, tomorrow  they are moving in. They purchased it yesterday, shortly after you parents passed" she then walked off and I closed the door.

I did nothing, but cry, I cried so hard, never in my life, did I think I'd lose both my parents, in one day.

The last words they said to me was,"we love you too" but i wish it was something else. I wish it was, see you in a week, or something, did they jinx themselves, or did I?
It couldn't have been that, nor had it been an accident. I felt like it was all my fault.
I sigh after crying for about an hour, I wanted to be with them, I wanted to die too, buy I didn't try anything, they would want me to live.

It's like I could feel there presents near me, I look at my bag of my teddys and take out Bubsy.

I then hug it, firmly, so firmly it's head could burst off.

I then look at the time, its 12 in the afternoon. I just decided to get a piece of bread and put it in the toaster.

I started banging my head of the counter.
As I stopped banging ny head, I leave it on the counter, and talk to myself ,"Maybe if I keep pelting my head hard enough I'll get a concussion and start to make-believe my parents are still alive".

I hear the toaster go off and grab it, eat it plan, not bothering to do anything with it, and go to my room, I lay down for what seemed like years but it was just 2 hours.

"2 o'clock? Seriously?" I muttered.
I lock my bedroom door and just decided to polish it, top to bottom.

I finished cleaning my room after about 2 hours, I ended up cleaning it again, which was another hour, and it was then, "5 o'clock, that's late enough, I don't care" I then just go to sleep.

"Guess I'll have no choice but to survive either this new family" I muttered.

I sighed, setting setting alarm to 6 in the morning, so I will be awake before 9, when they arrive, I lay down on my bed and sleep quickly took over my body

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