The Bodyguard #2: Proving His Worth

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Y/N watched a small spider crawl along the wall of the dingy room he was in. Watching the arachnid gave him a moment of peace, catharsis, before he felt a hard punch across his jaw, spitting blood after the hit.

His arms were bound by rope above his head, the two men interrogating him screaming in Pashto before one spoke to him in broken English.

"Who is target? How many here?"

Y/N chuckled before he was punched again, this time hard in the stomach.

He watched one of the men walk across to a trolley and pick up a machete.

His expression didn't change as he continued to work the rope above his head.




The man with the machete stopped in front of him. Screamed in Pashto again before saying:

"We cut we cut. You talk or we cut"

He took another step towards Y/N and squealed quickly as Y/N's forehead smashed into his nose. The force of the movement tearing through one strand of the rope that detained him.

The bearded man spat, yelled and sliced, Y/N grunting in pain as he was cut across the abdomen.

More yelling, another slice.



It wasn't deep enough to gut him, but fuck did it hurt.

Y/N quietened his groans to compose his breathing as the seated man screamed again before returning to English:

"Get drill"

The first man threw the machete down on the table in front of Y/N as the last frayed rope strand above his head gave.

Y/N was on him in a second, grabbing the machete, slicing the first mans throat before said blade was lodged into the second mans face as he stood.

Target confirmed. Saif al-Azmud. Deceased.

Y/N pulled a radio from the man's belt and he flicked between stations before arriving at the required frequency.

"Cuckoo has been ventilated. Cuckoo has been ventilated, confirm liquidation. Over"

"Liquidation confirmed. Liquidation confirmed. Purge initiated over and out".

A loud explosion could be heard from the other side of the compound. Y/N knew he didn't have long. He clipped the radio on his belt and removed the dead man's pistol. He checked the magazine. Full. He got one in the barrel as he ignored the blood and pain from his abdomen and he pushed himself to his feet.

Three of his brothers were in this hellhole with him. The three that survived the bird being shot down. He had to find them. He removed the second man's pistol and placed it in the back of his trousers as he walked towards the door...

A loud knocking woke Y/N. He shot up and inhaled, covered in sweat. He gasped trying to catch his breath as he looked at the clock, 6:00am, before turning to the naked dark haired woman laying on her stomach next to him in the bed. The barmaid from the previous evening.

She grumbled in her sleep as the knocking got louder. Y/N walked to the door and barked as he opened it.



John and Katie stood in front of Y/N's hotel room door.

"So Emma will be arriving at seven?" Katie asked John. Katie had worked for the last two years as Emma's PA. John as her manager. Emma has received a number of threatening letters at his office recently. She wasn't too keen on having a full time bodyguard, but for the time being she accepted it was the smart move. John had worked with Frank's agency before, supplying his other clients with bodyguards when needed. When he told Frank he wanted the best and money was no exception Frank said there was only one name that sprung to mind.

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