The Bodyguard #1: A New Job

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A/N: The first part of an ongoing series within this one shot book. It is an introduction to the character but there will be a lot more Emma as the story progresses. Let me know what you think.

Y/N woke up in his Savannah penthouse. The sun trickling in. He got up and worked out in his home gym before jumping in the shower. As he stood there letting the hot water rush over his head he thought back to last night.

The screams.

The explosions.

The fire.

The blood.

The nightmares were back.

He had returned home a week prior from his latest assignment in Dubai. He only took short term assignments. Easier to keep emotionally separate. Easier to remain professional. Don't get close. He turned off the water and wiped down, standing in front of his mirror as he looked at his reflection.

He was ripped, he was bulked, he was scarred. Lines and bullet marks littered his torso. Reminders of a hard life. Of survivors guilt.

He shaved and dressed and checked his phone. One message from Frank. His agent/handler.

Y/N call me.

Y/N sighed. When he worked he could focus. He could keep the dreams at bay. As soon as he slowed down they returned. Time to get back in the saddle. He dialled the man who grunted when he answered.

"Hey Frank. What's up?"

"Y/N. How you been since you got back? Fitting in with the civis?"


"That Good Huh?"

"Why'd you have me call Frank. You got work?"

"Yeah. Potential client in LA. You fly out tomorrow. Interested?"

"Yeah. Ticket at the airport?"

"Yeah, I'll send you the details!"

Y/N hung up and headed out of his apartment down to his jeep. He drove out of the basement parking and to his fishing boat. One last day fishing before he went back the combat zone.


Y/N arrived at the hotel Frank had instructed him to go to.

Chateau Marmont

He walked in pulling his rolling suitcase and looked around at the snooty clientele

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He walked in pulling his rolling suitcase and looked around at the snooty clientele. He was dressed in a polo with slacks, some there were in designer labels and hand crafted suits and clearly looked down their noses at him.

Like he gave a fuck.

He walked up to reception and an attractive brunette smiled at him.

"Welcome sir to Chateau Marmont. What name is your reservation?"

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