All is fair in love and war

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The battlefield was quiet it was almost like all
the swords clanging and the blood and battles
had stopped yet she remained in the same
The blade had gone right through her
abdomen. She could feel her warm blood
soaking through her armor and as she
stumbled back she fell on the ground. The
dirty ground that contained the sweat and
tears of battle. She took a breath dizzy from
the wound and dizzy from all the silence and
buzzing she could hear in her ears. It was
almost peaceful but she heard it in the
distance, her name being yelled. And as she
looked up there he was, her enemy, all of his
confidence was wiped away it was almost like
he hadn't won this fight after all. He crouched
down on both knees and gathered her auburn
hair into has and held her head tightly to his
chest. She felt it then the fast beating of his
heart against his ribcage. "You're scared, why? You won after all." She
whispered out with choppy breathes. He
sighed out his air coming out in huffs.
"My love, I did not win. I never meant for this
to happen. Innocent blood, your blood, I never
wanted your blood to be shed." She smiled
then because there it was what she always
knew. "Well darling you wanted a war. You should've known one of us had to fall I'm just glad it was me instead of you. Never you." She murmured
her vision was blurring now she was almost
gone. Her hand, her cold cold hand touched
his face. It traced down his jawline and
smoothed back over his cheek.
"I have loved you in this lifetime and I will love
you in the next and next. It doesn't matter
where we are they can't separate us. You
were never my enemy. Never you." He
whispered to her a small smile growing on his
face as a small tear slid down his cheek. Her
hand slowly dropped from his face as a small
smile slipped onto her sweet lips. "Don't miss me too much darling." She whispered as her last breath came out. His tears slid heavily down his checks as a sob racked through his body. A yell came out then, a yell that truly stopped all of the fighting.
Because there on the ground sat the mistaken
villain holding the woman he swore to kill, yet
his blade wasn't what killed her: and in the
end it turns out her death was truly what
ended him.

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