ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔇𝔦𝔰𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔐𝔢

Start from the beginning

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea," I say.

"Sooji, there is no retreating. You either go up there or your trial is concluded. Soojung is victorious."

"How can I change people's minds after that?"

"You simply have to introduce doubt. Make them question their dislike of you. That should be enough to buy time. This is your chance. Do not miss it."

I take a breath. I have to focus on why I'm trying o break the curse. My dad . . . and now Seulgi. I saw her hesitate on stage. She doesn't agree with Soojung—at least not completely. I need every shred of support I can get.

My whole body shakes as I stand. Thankfully, everyone's watching Dr. Mang. I hug the wall and make my way toward the front of the auditorium. I don't look at anyone because I can't bear knowing what I'll see. I walk up the stairs to the stage.

"Steady, Sooji," Joohyuk says.

Dr. Mang looks confused as I approach the podium.

"I have to say something." My voice is quiet.

Byun attempts to get on the stage, but Mang stops him with a hand gesture. To my surprise, Mang puts the microphone back on the podium and steps away from it. I'm not sure whether I'm grateful or wish that he stopped me.

I place my crinkled speech on the podium. The room's unnaturally silent. No one moves. I don't look at the crowd. I can't. I just focus on my paper and try to keep my voice steady.

"I . . . well . . . I know that . . . I haven't made a good impression on most of you. Some of you . . . well, you have legitimate reasons for disliking me."

People begin to whisper, and the counselor hushes the room.

"Get off the stage!" someone yells, and a few people boo me.

I'm making this worse for myself. "There are many . . ." The boos increase.

Soojung yells, "Murderer!" and others echo her.

I lift my head and take in the audience for the first time. Angry faces stare at me. I clear my throat, and Byun and Dr. Mang attempt to quiet the hostile students. I straighten my speech, hoping people will stop booing long enough for me to get the words out.

In one jerky movement I knock the piece of paper off the podium and over the edge of the stage. Joohyuk grabs it mid-fall. It takes me a second before I realize the auditorium has gone silent. Slowly, Joohyuk lifts the paper. Everyone stares at it, floating in the air. I take it, but finding my place in my speech now seems silly. How can I go on like nothing strange just happened?

I scan the auditorium the way I peek at the bad cut. I have the Lineages' attention. Great. I spot Sehun in my peripheral vision, but don't look directly at him. I fold my speech and tuck it in my back pocket. "I'm not perfect. I'm far from it. I'm weird. The strangest things happens around me all the time. I don't know why, and maybe I never will."

"I can explain that paper, though. It was a spirit. I can't make friends at school, but I can with the dead. So at least I've got that." There are a few nervous laughs that end as abruptly as they start.

"And I'm pretty sure I know why Kai died, even though I don't know how." The tension in the room tangible. "But to explain that, I have to back up a bit. You see, there were three times in the years since the Trials when a whole bunch of lineages died. My spirit friend helped me figure out that these deaths happen in pattern. All the major Witch Trial families have to be in Manyeo at once. A few weeks ago, the Baes were the only major family missing. And as you may have noticed, when I moved here, people started dying quickly."

To my surprise, the crowd's not acting like I've said the most ridiculous thing they've ever heard. With a quick glance, I catch Sehun putting his head in his hands. My lip trembles.

"You said that I'm cursed? I am. And so are the Lineages, their families, and possibly this town." Actually saying these words feels oddly light. I've been running from them for a long time. "I am trying to figure it out. But I don't think I can do it myself. I'm not asking you to like me. I'm asking you to stop hating me long enough for me to work this thing out." The whispers start. "That's all, I guess. Thanks for listening."

As I walk away from the podium, a girl yells, "Prove that you can see a ghost!"

Not this again. The room waits for my reply. "No." But as the word leaves my mouth, Joohyuk lifts me by my waist. The audience bursts into shocked conversations. No one tries to get control of the situation. I make eye contact with Seulgi, and Joohyuk sets me back on my feet. She nods calmly while Wendy and Soojung battle it out on the either side of Hyeri who looks ill.

I don't sit back down in the auditorium. I steal a glance toward Sehun, but he's not in his seat. I walk through the heavy double doors and then out of the school entirely.

The Witches (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now