ℌ𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔬 ℌ𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔞 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥

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I step into the chilly morning air and close the door behind me, happy to avoid an awkward conversation with Yoomi about her driving me to school. This isn't the longest we've gone without speaking, but it's the worst fight we've ever had. It's not even a fight; it's something more. It's like my world is collapsing. For as long as I can remember, Appa and Yoomi were my only people.

I can barely keep my eyes open as I jiggle the key in the lock. I got three hours of sleep, and my drowsiness is giving me a sick feeling. I turn around and almost collide with a male chest. I scream and look up to see Sehun's worried face.

After all the effort to get out quietly, I'm screaming, "Don't do that!" I speed-walk toward school.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Sehun slips my bag off my shoulder, and I'm too tired to protest. "I thought I might walk with you."

He's walked me home, but never to school before. "You're checking up on me?"

"Maybe." He doesn't make eye contact. I've never seen Sehun unsure of himself, and it doesn't feel natural.

He probably thinks I'm still a mess from yesterday, Which I am. But his treating me like I'm unstable only reminds me how messed up things are and agitates me more, "I don't need you to."

Sehun keeps up with my pace. He pushes his hair out of his face. "Suzy, I wanted to talk—"

"Sick people need to be checked on. I'm not sick." Whatever he wants to talk about, I'm not sure I can handle it right now. I'm not in the best control of myself.

"You saw someone die in front of you. It's not like you're going to be normal, either." His tone is serious, and I tense.

My whole life, people have told me I'm not normal and need help, and Sehun's joining them makes me feel like I'm drowning. "I don't want to talk right now, Sehun."

"Why? Because I won't say that I believe you had a vision about Kai? Or that I think people are going to die?"

My cheeks redden, and I move faster. We're almost to school. "I don't want to defend myself to you. I already have to do that with everyone else." I take my bag back from him, and he catches the strap before I can put it on my shoulder.

He searches my face. "Since when do I make you defend yourself? All I want is for you to talk to me. I want—"

"Let go." I pull on my bag, and his lips tighten. He nods and releases his grip. I push through the door to the school, but he doesn't follow. The second I'm inside, I regret my words. I do want to talk to Sehun. But how could I ever explain Joohyuk and the curse? He would never believe me.

In the hallway, the few early students greet me with ugly looks. Insults are spoken just loud enough for me to hear. I clench my jaw to keep from crying.

As I turn the corner, a nondescript door opens. I can just make out Joohyuk's angled face in the shadow. I head straight for it and slip inside. The door clicks shut. It's pitch black, and my shoe hits something hard. I grab on to Joohyuk. He flicks on the light switch.

It's a custodial closet with barely enough room for both of us. Our chests are only inches apart.

For a moment, we're both silent. Shadows fall on his cheekbones, and his lips part slightly. I have the sudden desire to be closer to them. I lean forward before I realize what I'm doing.

"How's my dad?" I ask, bringing my heels back down to the ground.

"Well cared for."

Good. "Did you find anything, or do you just like broom closets?"

The Witches (Book #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang