4. Interaction and . . . S a v e d

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Tommy ran across building tops and jumped up a few times, his adrenaline not having run out yet. Though as his adrenaline started to leave his body, every jump got shorter and his running pace became slower. Tommy still felt so energetic though! He's never really had a power and as a kid he was specifically told he didn't have or was going to have one. Now that he looks back at it whenever he was about to get the shit beat out of him from the pathetic children at school, he seemed to be able to run faster / escape quite easily.. hm.

And now Tommy's body was aching, looking down below from the top of a building in the 17th district. He was close to work but knew he wouldn't go there. So I mean- this would be one of the best time and place to take a break and think about his power right? Definitely. Especially right after being threatened by Orpheus cuz' I mean. Technically, he should thank him for enabling his power but... no— wait. What was Tommy thinking? Orpheus sent Tommy into a fucking bucket of panic- why would he thank Orpheus for threatening him? Oh. Panic.. does it only happen when he panics? Like some sort of Panic Button(©)..? Hm. He'd have to tell Tubbo and Ranboo when he'd get home... oh. He can't really tell them can he.. I mean- Orpheus is very much a threat to many people- He may be a vigilante but he does as much good as he does bad.. it would most likely be best if he didn't tell Tubz and Boo. Yea.

Tommy slightly tensed up when he heard someone.. land behind him?... God damnit...

He turned his head just so he could view everything behind him that he couldn't see before, seeing Aeolus standing there with his wings sprawled out.

Tommy internally groaned as he slowly stood up, getting away from the edge of the building he was on.

"What do I owe to gain the pleasure of you being here Aeolus?" Tommy put on a slightly stronger British accent just to chuckle right after at his stupidity.

"Oh I was just wondering what happened to my Son?" Tommy went quiet for a moment, looking at him as if he grew two extra heads.

"What do you mean?.. are you—. . . Oh. I didn't do anything to the prick in a trench coat if you're talking about him." Tommy said, sounding a little annoyed.

"Hm.. is that so?" Aeolus slowly began to circle around Tommy, causing him to move away from him- and or try too until his wings spread out again, cutting him off.

"Then why did he walk out of the alley with a rather pissed expression hm?" Aeolus started, making Tommy begin to laugh.

"He pulled a fucking knife on me! And THEN gets pissed? Wow. Man needs therapy-"

Aeolus paused at Tommy's words, his steps faltering for a moment. "What do you mean he pulled a knife on you?"

"You heard me.. but— I think I should be going back to.. my uh. Roommates.." He muttered the end, walking to where he thought the stairs of the building were- before Aeolus grabbed his wrist, which may or may not have made Tommy's nerves begin to bubble in his stomach.

"Where ya headed mate?" Aeolus spoke gently with a painful familiarity, which made Tommy shake Aeolus' hand off of his wrist.

"That's none of your concern." Tommy knew his tone was quite sharp while he spoke but he just didn't want to be followed by the 2nd worst vigilante to exist.

Aeolus made a small hum, Tommy's action making him grin internally. "Well then... see'ya around mate." And then he went to the edge and jumped off before being seen flying away.

Those words set Tommy off, making him feel both sick to his stomach and like he was being watched. And closely. He had to get home.. and soon. If anything he'd just stay at work for the night I mean.. it's not like he hasn't done that before. He just didn't want to be walking in the dark while having this feeling boiling in his stomach. Maybe.. just maybe.. he then moved his backpack after going inside so he could go down the stairs, he just had to make sure everything was there.

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