3. Awoken, and a rather 'friendly' Greeting.

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TW. Suggestive thoughts, knife
2147 words not including TW's

Tommy slowly woke up with panicked breaths, having just woken up from quite a terrible dream. He begins to sit up but suddenly stops and starts feeling the comfortable sheets and soft hand woven blanket.. and different clothing he was now in.. that were a bit oversized and itchy, not a bad itchy but still itchy. Tommy could start feeling his anxiety rise. Mainly due to the new room and clothes he now wore— and before he could process what he was doing; his hands moved to his chest, making sure his binder was still there.

Tommy let out a small sigh, before getting up and slowly getting out of the bed- (and trying to make no noise whatsoever while doing so but failing in the end-) a small 'thump' emitting from the floor because of his weight, even though there wasn't much of that.

He let out a small noise of panic as he jumped back at the sound of the door opening.

"Tommy?" The voice was completely different from everything and the people he knew, (meaning by Techno and Wilbur's voices) which caused Tommy to panic even more since he didn't recognize the voice.

An older man walked in, having dirty blonde hair to the length of his shoulders and also having slightly loose clothing that was a muted green colour.

Tommy slowly pushed himself into the corner of the room, The man looked at him and then smiled softly- that smile... Why was it.. comforting?

He slowly stepped toward Tommy, the warning bells going off in his head. "Mate.. what's wrong?.." His voice was quite soothing like warm tea on a cold night or hot cocoa during the colder seasons

Tommy's 'panic metre' (E/N: I have British English as my default word choice, so Meter is spelt Metre, you can change it!) went down a tad bit, looking at the man quizzically but calmly as he got closer to Tommy. After a small moment of slowly getting closer, the older of the two knelt down in front of Tommy. Tommy slightly tried to move away but failed as the older moved his hand to gently hold Tommy's face, looking him straight in the eyes.

"You have pretty eyes!" He would smile slightly- it looked a bit unhinged; which made Tommy a tiiiinnnnyyy bit uncomfy- but he couldn't really move away could he?

"Please let go.." Tommy murmured out, The older hesitating before letting go and moving back a bit.

"My apologies... Now.. My name is Phil, Yours is Tommy, Correct?" Tommy slowly stood up while nodding.

"Yea.. uhm.... Why am I here..?" Tommy looked back at Phil, trying to remember what happened but nothing came up- all he could really remember was being late for his shift...

"Mate.. you passed out... do you not remember that?" His head had tilted to the side quizzically, which made Tommy's face contort to confus—


Wait... what....?

Wilbur... brought Techno and he—

He.. knew.. Tommy's DEAD name.....

Tommy felt like he was going to throw up. No-one but his Roomates knew his actual name and— Tubbo and Ranboo! And they didn't know where he was!-

He began to slightly panic again. Moving and looking around for specifically his phone- which he guessed was taken and put somewhere else when he passed out.

Phil gently grabbed him- a small look of concern and confusion on his face. "Mate, what's wrong?" He asked Tommy, looking at him after a moment- "Do you know where my phone is?-" He spoke rather quickly to the older one, trying to get it as fast as he could. "Oh." Phil took a moment, letting Tommy go and searching through his pockets before handing it to Tommy. "Here ya go Mate-"

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