TRACY O'DONNELL sits at her desk before the pep rally grading papers when the door suddenly slams open. Enter JASON CARVER angry.

(very angry)
Ms. O'Donnell. You're FLUNKING ME?

(raises her hand to quiet Jason)
Excuse me, Jason? Do NOT come into my classroom and speak to me like that....

(gritting his teeth and speaking courtly)
Do you have any idea who I am? The entire school is counting on me to bring this championship and if I fail, I can't play. And my father....

CAMERA TO THE HALLWAY where Chrissy Cunningham has walked by and starts listening to the conversation

(standing up and walks to chalkboard)
Jason, if you did the work properly, you'd have a better grade. Now I am more than willing to give you extra credit to raise your average if you need it.

FREEZE FRAME on Chrissy in the doorway while Jason grabs Tracy, shoving her against the board before she runs off

(through gritted teeth)
My father will hear about this.

CAMERA pans to Tracy, who is visibly frightened and Jason shoves her again and walks out of the room


As Mason walks off the set, while still filming, Y/N takes a deep breath still being filmed looking back at him with tears in her eyes, rubbing her arms where he grabbed her.

The director yelled "CUT" and everyone clapped. The scene was perfect. Joe walked over to Y/N and hugged her, "That was absolutely brilliant, love." Grace and Mason came by and gave her kudos as well. After the scene was done, she walked with Joe to his trailer.

"So you really think I did alright?" He opened the door for her letting her in before closing the door behind him.

"It was great. YOU were great. Do you feel like it was alright?" She sat on the couch and shrugged.

"It was a little hard with the physical stuff. I know Mason wasn't intentionally trying to hurt me, but it just brings back bad memories you know?" Joe knelt down in front of her caressing her cheek.

"You did great, I promise. Besides, nothing like that will ever really happen to you again while I'm around." She smiled and leaned in to kiss him. "So are you going to stay and watch my big cafeteria scene?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it."

The director yelled "CUT" after the cafeteria scene was done and everyone applauded

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The director yelled "CUT" after the cafeteria scene was done and everyone applauded. Y/n still was amazed by Joe. When she looked at him dressed as Eddie, it was like he was a totally different person. He looked different, sounded different even. She walked up behind him after the scene and put her arms around him whispering in his ear. "That was amazing." He smiled and turned his head a little, still speaking in his Eddie voice.

"Thanks, sweetheart. I'm gettin' finished up. Wanna come to my place for some pizza?"

"Gee, I'd like to but I am kind of seeing someone else and he might not like it." Joe turned fully facing her with his arms crossed. She loved seeing him dressed as Eddie.

"Kind of?" She laughed as he followed her to the trailer and closed the door, starting to change clothes while she sat in his chair looking at tomorrows call sheet. Joe came over when he saw her frowning. "What's the matter?"

"Well, I thought I wasn't going to have any scenes tomorrow but apparently they are bringing in an actor to play Jason's dad and want me and Mason to do a read through.

"That's alright. You know the lines and everything, you are going to do splendidly." Y/N hadn't told Joe, but she had made a doctors appointment since she knew he would be filming all day and she still hadn't told him about her CFS. She had felt pretty good lately but still had to get checkup to monitor her blood levels. She nodded as he put on his shirt. "How about I take you home and we can put in a movie and just stay in tonight, hmm?"

JOE'S POV*****

Joe stood in the kitchen fixing some popcorn while Y/N picked out a movie. She had been pretty quiet since they left the set and it was really bothering him, but he didn't want to pry into it. The last couple of months had been great with her. They had taken things pretty easy and he was getting to where it was harder for him to be apart from her for mare than a couple of days. When they were apart, he craved her touch like nothing he had ever felt before. He knew the scenes with Mason were difficult for her and he tried to be sure to be there if she needed him for anything, but he was starting to feel like he might be smothering her. She SEEMED happy, but he didn't want to put too much on her. He felt like there were things she wasn't ready to tell him, and he wanted her to be comfortable telling him anything.

"Popcorn ready?" He looked up as she spoke to him, smiling.

"Of course. What movie did you pick out?"

"I thought we could watch RETURN OF THE KING?" He nodded and took the bowl into the living room and sat down, patting the seat next to him for Y/N. She sat right next to him and he put his arm around her shoulder and started the movie. Before long, Y/N had worked her way from his shoulder to laying her head in his lap. He smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair gently, not realizing she was starting to doze off. As he heard her breathing slowing, he reached for the blanket on the back of the couch to cover her up. He slowly lifted her head and worked his way out from the couch, surprised by how deeply she was sleeping. He figured the day had really taken it out of her emotionally draining her. He put the cover over her and she quietly rolled to face the back of the couch. When she moved, he noticed the shoulder of her shirt had shifted, exposing most of her left arm, and his eyes got wide. On her arms, he saw several dark scars, almost like jagged lines. They didn't look very deep, but the scars looked angry to him. He slowly reached out to run his fingers over her arm as he wondered what had happened. He thought for a minute and realized THIS might be why she always kept the lights off when they made love and why she insisted on staying covered up the next morning until he got out of bed to let her get dressed. He sighed as he pulled his hand back and covered her arm up with the shirt and then the blanket.  He sat back down in the chair next to the sofa and knew what needed to be done. He was in love with Y/N and didn't know how to tell her.

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