Chapter 20: The Shadow Approaching Haibara's Secret

Start from the beginning

"Here, get on my back." I offered and picked her up. "But Ayumi-chan is right. We need to take a break since we've been running for a while."

"There's cabin there!" Mitsuhiko pointed out. Hmm this cabin seems familiar... I think there was a case related to this cabin somewhere in the anime.

"We're saved!" Ayumi and Genta cried happily.

"Let's take refuge there for now." Haibara suggested.


"The coast is clear. It appears the cabin seems empty." I motioned for them to come in and we barricaded the door in case the culprit came again.

"It's no good, there's no reception here." Haibara tried calling the Conan again.

"Let's take a look around inside." Mitsuhiko suggested and we turned on our flashlights. Let's see there's two backpacks... and a bloody axe?!!!

"This is the culprit's cabin! He must have used that axe to kill the woman!" I pointed out.

"This is the culprit's cabin! He must have used that axe to kill the woman!" I pointed out

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"We need to leave now." Genta cried and started unbarricading the door.

"Wait Genta-kun! Don't!" I shouted as we heard someone pounding the door. "It's the culprit!"

Ayumi started crying so I held her close to comfort her. "Shh it's alright." This is not good... I didn't bring my tasers and I don't know any karate like Ran.


"The pounding stopped!" Mitsuhiko said happily.

"The suspect must be gone!" Genta declared and tried to open the door, only to find it chained from outside. "We're locked in!" he said.

 "We're locked in!" he said

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I sniffed the air... something smells weird. "Guys, is it just me, or does something smell like it's burning?" Everyone else noticed it too. "Could it be that the culprit intended to silence us by locking us inside the cabin and setting it on fire?" I thought aloud. We had to leave now.

"We're trapped. There's no other exit in the cabin." Haibara observed.

"And the windows are nailed shut!" Mitsuhiko cried.

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