Chapter 16. White Lace and Promises

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White Lace and Promises

Fiona looked lovely in her gold gown. The emerald trim brought out the green in her eyes, which were shining brighter than I'd ever seen them before; or perhaps it was due to her new life as a Raven. Rufus wore black pants and a green shirt that matched Fiona's eyes. I couldn't help smiling to myself a bit. Not too long ago, no one could have convinced me of the existence of vampires, much less that they dress up and get married, just like humans! Emrys squeezed my hand as he listened to my silly thoughts, bringing me back to the moment.

Their ceremony was sweet and to the point. Latimer, also known as the record keeper in the Raven society, performed the rites. Rufus placed a ring on Fiona's left hand, a two-tone Celtic ring with a large brilliant emerald in the shape of a heart. They exchanged their vows, and Latimer pronounced them husband and wife. Before we left the chambers we had to sign the papers as witnesses, and then Latimer brought out another very thick, large, brown book where he entered Fiona's name declaring her an official Raven. This particular book Rufus signed and dated, proclaiming him to be her maker.

Latimer, a short stout-looking fellow, had gray hair and a long straggly beard with wisps of brown woven in-between the gray. He wore a pair of round glasses, though Emrys explained to me that he only used them for the studious look it gave him. He had been turned at the ripe old age of seventy-eight, and even though his eyesight was that of a twenty year old, the habits of his human lifetime remained with him well into his eternal existence.

Fiona and Rufus kissed each other and, after a few short but sweet exchanges of congratulations from their only witnesses - Emrys and me; they practically ran out of the chambers. I followed the giddy couple into the hallway.

"Wait! Don't you want to be our witnesses?" I called after Fiona.

"Sure I do!" We won't be too long!" Fiona giggled over her shoulder as they hurried along hand in hand, their laughter echoing down the hall as they turned the corner.

"Well, I guess we have some time to spare. We could go find Lindy and invite her to share in our ceremony, couldn't we?" I asked hopefully. "I know she can't be a witness, but she's my only sister. She has to be there." I gazed up at his smiling face.

"As you wish," he said, taking my hand and leading the way.

During our walk to the giant stairway, I couldn't help but remember the last time I went down these steps and met Rohan. I wondered where he went after Emrys chased him up the stairway in our suite. As usual, I didn't have to literally ask the question.

"I banned him from the rest of the gathering and told him that if I ever saw him again, he would suffer the same fate as his father. And then - I threw him off the balcony." He sounded unbelievably calm as he spoke, keeping his head straight and high. It didn't seem to concern him that the fall alone could have killed Rohan. It didn't bother me either, but the thought still made me shiver.

"He may have suffered some bruises and scrapes when his body encountered the wall or perhaps when I used his face as a punching bag," Emrys said, glancing at me briefly, trying not to grin, "but he is a flyer. Without a doubt, the only thing that suffered was his pride."

"A flyer?" I asked bewildered.

"That is his talent. All vampires eventually acquire at least one talent or strength unknown to humans."

My surprised look, no doubt, caused him to answer my next silent question.

"I have two talents. One you already know about, and it proved quite useful this evening; my ability to read your thoughts. Although it would have been even more convenient if I had the gift of precognition. I would have seen what Rohan had planned ahead of time."

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