I'll always be here

465 10 9

TW: mentions of r***
Midoriya POV:
Kacchan had called then hung up. He usually never calls or texts me so it must be urgent. Should I go to UA? I know i'm banned, but if Kacchan needs my help I'll go I don't care about the rules.

I guess I really am a fool when it comes to him.

I get dressed out of my clothes from the previous night and head back downstairs. I had to skip my shower because I don't know if it's an emergency or not.

I open the door to a surprised looking Katsuki. We sit there just staring for a while.

"Hey stop being weird and let me in" Kacchan says finally breaking the terrible silence.

"I- Uhm o-ok i'm sorry, come in come in" I say fumbling over my words like an idiot. As soon as I close the door I give Kacchan a hug from behind. I'm not sure he even wants to hug, but he doesn't move or curse at me. To be honest even if he did retaliate I would be ok with that. I just miss him so much already.

"D- deku go take a shower you smell like blood and horseshit" my face goes red from embarrassment and I apologize to Kacchan before going to take a shower.

Bakugou POV:
I take a seat on Auntie's couch. I'm trying so hard to figure out a way to tell him the whole story without crying. It's not like I actually got taken advantage of, I got away from him before it got to that point when other people don't even get that opportunity.

So why the fuck am I acting all traumatized and shit.

About 10 minutes pass and I hear Deku walk down the stairs. He comes and sits right next to me. This asshole has never heard of personal space.

We sit in silence for a few minutes until the damn broccoli decides to open his mouth.

"Sooo to what do I owe the pleasure"

I almost cower and leave, but I decide not to. I came here to make this right. I'm the one who got him caught up in my shit and took advantage of him because I was hurt. Cmon Katsuki what a fucking asshole.

"I w-want to apologize" I say quickly stuttering a bit. "You'll never hear me say this again so just let me fucking talk don't speak until you have permission" Deku nods and I continue.

"I wanna tell you exactly what happened so you won't go around just throwing the word rape anywhere" He seems conflicted about what I just said, but still doesn't say a word.

"Kirishima didn't rape me, but he did try. He almost succeeded until I slipped out of his grasp and tried to blow his johnny into pieces" Deku still stays silent, but looks like he's itching to speak.

"That's when I hurriedly ran to my dorm half naked. I-I was scared and disgusted with Kiri. I loved him, but he tried to hurt me so I looked to you for comfort. I used you for temporary relief and i'm so sorry."

Oh fuck here comes the water works.

"B-because i-if it wasn't for me y-you would still be at UA a-nd now you might not even graduate because of m-me" Deku stays silent and puts his arm around me.

"I'm so f-fucking sorry De- Izuku i'm sorry Izuku" I lean into his chest and let it all out. He still doesn't speak he just hugs me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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