clearing the air

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Mina and I are sitting on the steps outside watching Mr. Aizawa put Deku in a police car.
I immediately start panicking at the sight. I mean he only did that for me. I guess Mina sensed my distress so she rubs my back and makes me lean my head into her chest.

Mina is the only person I confined in when me and Kiri fought. I didn't trust anyone else. She's the only one who didn't think I was crazy and I love her for that.

"Kats" I flinch at the nickname kiri had given me. "oh i'm sorry sweetie" She says noticing my troubled reaction. "I just want to know what happened and why Kirishima said....what he said" I looked up at Mina realizing I was gonna have to fess up soon.

I told her everything. I told her everything from me and kiri's first fight, to the cheating, to my almost rape, and me and deku's night together. She listened to all of it without saying a word. "Oh my god i'm so sorry Bakugou" she says while pulling me into a hug.

"You know I would go beat the shit outta Kiri, but I think Deku did that for me". I know she's tryna lighten the mood, but i'm worried. Eijro is unconscious and Deku he was just put in the back of a cop car.

"I know you're worried, but let's just go" I nod and she helps me up once again. We walk in through the common room I notice no one is in the room anymore. There's a spot on the carpet with blood on it, i'm guessing it's Kiri's.

Me and Mina go back to my room she cuddles me in my bed and we fall asleep together. I fall asleep peacefully knowing Mina was holding me.

Midoriya POV:
"FUCK!" I yell banging on the bars of the holding sell. They put me in quirk canceling cuffs. Yea I was fucked they got my finger prints and mugshot. They did the whole fucking shabang. I was still angry, but Aizawa said they would bring me in for questioning shortly. I decided to try and calm down a little before they came and got me.

How the hell could I though. The fuck did Kirishima mean by "so i'm a rapist now" it keeps circling through my mind like an endless loop and it's torturing me. What did he do to Kacchan and where the fuck is he so I can kill him.

"C'mon and follow me, don't try anything or we'll be forced to sedate you and put you in prison" I nodded as Mr. Aizawa unlocked the cell I was sharing with a smelly junkie and followed him.

"You hungry? thirsty?" The officer smiles at me, but I don't make a sound. Kirishima raped Katsuki this isn't a smiling matter. "Thought you said he could talk forever" the officer laughed while nudging my teacher. "yes usually, but this isn't the only unusual thing he has done today" he says shooter daggers at me, but I don't budge.

"Well I guess we can skip the small talk, talk to me what happened kid?" the officer now reverts to a stern voice.

"I was in the common's room kitchen"

//"We're you alone"

"No Katsuki was with me"

//"Do you know why?"

I flushed at the question remembering what me and Kacchan did. "H-he couldn't walk because be-b-because"

Mr. Aizawa speaks up "I think we get it now continue".

I continue and tell them everything.
"Ok ok I understand you wanted to protect your boyfriend, but what I wanna know is why you didn't punch him sooner" he lets out a chuckle.

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