Night two: the loss of foxy

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10:11 am

Y/N was in his house playing battlefield on his xbox after having a long sleep after a night out at the pizzeria

Y/N: man, tonight was quite a night, i can't believe i could survive, if chica hadn't shown up at that moment, fredina would have killed me, but thank god i gained their trust and now they won't do anything to me, i hope it stays that way for the next few nights.

That's when his stomach started to growl, reminding him that he didn't eat anything today, but when Y/N opened the fridge, it was empty.

Y/N: damn, apparently yesterday was the last leftovers i had, hum, i think I'll go eat at the pizzeria, i still have a little money left so i think it's worth it, i still have to talk to josh about the girls.

So Y/N took your bike, locked his house in case someone tried to steal it, and went to the pizzeria.

10:20 - in the pizzeria

When Y/N arrived at the place, he had a slight injury on his arm, because on the way there a cat was crossing the street at the moment Y/N was passing, and as soon as he turned the bike to the side, he lost the control and ended up falling off the bike.

Y/N: Good thing i always wear a helmet, why the hell did that cat cross just as i was passing by? Anyway, i better get in.

When Y/N entered the pizzeria he decided to go to josh's office first before getting something to eat, he then went straight to his boss office to talk to him about last night, getting there, he knocked on the door.

Josh: Who is it?

Y/N: *entering in the office* it's me Y/N.

Josh: Oh, Y/N, i didn't expect you to be here this afternoon, how are you?

Y/N: I'm fine mr.josh, thanks for asking, sorry if you're too busy but i need to talk to you.

When Y/N said that, Josh already suspected what it was about.

Josh: I suppose you want to tell me about the girls right?

Y/N nodded.

Josh: *Sighs* well Y/N, as you already know, girls tend to wander around the pizzeria at night and when they "wake up", they go to the office to kill all the guards who decide to work here, that's because the previous guards wanted to do dirty things with them and that's why they hate night guards, sorry if i didn't tell you sooner, i'll understand if you want to leave.

Y/N: I won't.

Josh was extremely surprised to hear what Y/N said.

Josh: what?

Y/N: I was about to give up because i couldn't find any job, but when you gave me this job, you got me out of a difficult situation and i am very grateful to you for giving me this job, and it wouldn't not be good at my part if I quit.

Josh: I understand Y/N but the girls will try to kill you if you keep working here.

Y/N: That won't be a problem anymore.

Josh: What do you mean by that?

Y/N: I told them why i took this job and they already know i'm not like the other guards, so we're friends now.

Josh: Really?, wow, i honestly didn't expect that, well i'm glad to hear you got along with them.

Y/N just scratched the back of his head as he laughed.

Josh: Well, since everything is fine between you and the girls, so i guess i don't need to worry anymore, in that case Y/N, *getting up and extending his hand*, welcome to working officially as a night guard at fredina nightclub.

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