Night one: the attack of the girls

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22:50pm - in Y/N house

After Y/N finished eating his dinner, he went to take a shower and change for his first night shift at the pizzeria, while he's changing himself, he talked to himself.

Y/N: I'm really excited to starting my workday at the pizzeria although, i'm very nervous not gonna lie, but i think everything will be fine.

When Y/N finished changing, he went to get his bike to go to the pizeria but on the middle of his way he stopped and looked at a painting on a table next to his bed, this painting had a picture of him and his parents.


When Y/N was 7 years old he was always a restless and messy kid but at the same time he was an adorable boy, he was the greatest gift that his parents could have and they always gave him the love that he deserved when he was around.

After Y/N have 12 years old, he and his parents decided to go a park for fun, but after they got into the car and were halfway there, another vehicle came at high speed and crashed into their car, leaving Y/N unsconsions.

When he woke up, he were in a hospital bed, before Y/N wondered what happended, a doctor came into his room to check him.

Doctor: Hello Y/N, glad you woke up, how are you feeling?

Y/N: I'm fine i think, what happened?

Doctor: Well, after the other car collided with your parent's car, the people who saw the accident called an ambulance, after you were operated on, you were unconscious for 5 days but thank god evertything went well.

Y/N: Wait!? and my parents!? they are well!?

Doctor: ....Well Y/N, unfortunately your parents didn't survived the accident, i'm sorry.

Y/N: What!? no! no! no!, this can't be real!, tell me this is not true!

Doctor: I'm really sorry Y/N, we did everything but they couldn't resist.

At that moment it felt like Y/N's world had completely collapsed, he couldn't believe hisparents died, he had never felt so much pain and sadness in his life, this was a day that would stay in his mind forever.

After the death of his parents Y/N went to live with his grandparents, they found out what happened and promised to take care of their grandson as he was in a difficult time, after Y/N turned 20 he left his grandparents home and rented a small house with the money his grandparents gave him, it wasn't very big, but he didn't care.


After wiping the tears that were running down of his face, he spoke: my parents always did everything to make me happy, this picture is the only memory i have of them, i will never forget the happy times i had with them, i would like to tell them about the new job that i have i got *when Y/N mentioned the last part, he immediately remembered of his work* damn i got lost in my thoughts, i forgot i have to work, i better go, i don't wanna be late *getting his bike and going to the pizzeria*.

23:40 - in the pizzeria

Josh: It's almost midnight and Y/N still hasn't come, i hope he hasn't forgotten that his shift starts at midnight.

Josh said while he's waiting for Y/N, but while he waited, he looked at three girls on stage who were "sleeping".

Josh: *sighs* i just hope the girls don't think Y/N is like the other guards, he seemed like an good and honest person and was willing to work here.

Suddenly the front doors open.

Y/N: Good night boss, sorry i'm late, i just got "lost in my thoughts" before coming here *laughing nervously*.

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